Alchemy - the shore of time



In the search for perfection, many have lost their spirit.

The faith of a person is in truth a confirmation of the facts, which is able to release own forces in him by initialization. We say affirmation to it.

No one has been able to choose what is given to them. Meanwhile, what we participate in has been a collective experience. There we have determined something that has been given to us in terms of memories. We have not forgotten that.

We have made out our thoughts. They have distinguished themselves from the announcements of other people perceptibly. Only the own thoughts of us shall come to the execution as they have occurred with us.



Rite and complex

The state is the biggest pirate of all.

From the transfer of those facts of the own life to the experience areas of other people, the human being learns the principle of the equation. From this construct an equivalence of the lives results, which I already regarded as confirmed. It leads into an equality.



A first departure

How can a lake tell the springs something about their waters that they have not yet known?

Movements sometimes serve an avoidance of the human being. In problematic situations, it has often been our own tactic to avoid something. This leads us down a path that involves profound aspects of habit on our part and has made us weak. In order to counteract such a situation and prevent a decline in our strength, we should begin by acknowledging our problems. A movement in the manner of evasion is supposed to be the real cause of these evils, which has led us to a fundamental failure.

There we leave off everything and start with an assumption of what is ours. Such an inventory will be able to put us in the position to get knowledge of our condition in the present situation. All pausing of the human being happens completely rightly and it has also been useful to do such a thing. Let's just charge ourselves. Let us do what is bearable and regain our strength. Once we feel our own strength again, we will be fine with it.



X+ Y= 0

We recognize the addition as the simple principle of an experience which is able to complete itself by itself.

Where nothing has been, everything has appeared in a good way. There has been true what has happened. It has had a representation, but not a special interpretation. One has been close to God. Therefore it is so that such a moment is given before our time, because we have to strive to it first still or again, in order to be able to realize it fully. For this, however, we have done nothing, but we have done everything right in the process.

The fault lies much more in the incessant doing than in leaving things as they are. All attitudes have led to the fact that we have exaggerated with it what we have disguised with us. That's why we have given things a form here, which for the time being has not been one (yet).

For the equation to it we have assumed that the values are to be equated with each other, and the things have done to each other, even if they have appeared unequal. When we have recognized that the basic form of the given has been the same for all events, we have added the parts of it together by an addition without disregarding the units. There the realities have not dissolved into each other and have not merged with each other to a lump. A dualism is supposed to be given for any emanation, but without a preservation of the connection of what has been known to us, nothing of it would exist rightly.

For these, now mentioned reasons, Mathias Schneider has changed the presentation mode

[X+ Y= 0]

for the simple fact of an emanation and assumed that any existent part of the world can be brought into this form.

Since we often have to do it within the realms of communication with substitutes, which replace phenomenal occurrences, he now wants to confess that he believed in a possibility for the completion of the representations of it, which show the given. He would like to arrange it in such a way with him that the necessary opportunities arise for their reproduction.

There he would like to show you something further. Basically, for the amount of the above equation has an expanded picture

[|X|+ |Y|= 2 |X|]

in all the consistency that must be ensured. We have thus come full circle.



A finding of true words and good ideas requires a basis for their appearance.

First of all one must have perceived something before one can weave it into the concern with oneself. For this purpose own writings have been well suited to recall to us the trains of thought of the previous days. Our ability has always appeared limited, but in it the true chance for us has basically lain and so everything has become true with us as it has been right, seen from the own position.

There we have been temporarily without strength and form and have nevertheless existed. Thereupon we have brought forth sometimes forces and sometimes forms from us. In independence to it we have remained and have fallen back so again and again into that state of a creative emptiness or have retreated what has amounted to a silence with us.

If we have not found or known words for the next necessary process step from us, it has nevertheless occurred and happened. There our things have behaved well and have been true. A reality is supposed to be like that. Their mystery has been alone only sporadically one. Sometimes we have experienced moments of calm, but sometimes there have been inner storms with us and the ground at our feet has shaken violently.

There we have kept our essence. We got rid of all unnecessary power and all exuberant shaping so promptly. Our trace has not been one, which has burned itself with us. Instead, we have experienced an airy lightness and have appeared so empty like the light. In the meantime our things have cleared up, but they have also preserved themselves in a matching condition.



A trivial approach

Order = Free Energy

The observance of an order that appears in a natural way fills man with meaning and gives him skills according to it.

There we carry all completely rightly a name, as it was given to us. Behind it a mystery keeps hidden which we have learned to see in the existence of us. Meanwhile we have acted and also spoken. This is how we have been. However, we have left out the decisive thing. It should be already clear by itself.

All of us have been too hectic and therefore life has made us seem stressed. That's when we let go of everything and fall into a state of rest. We renounce freedom when it has been about such nonsense. We recognize the conditions of our existence, because such an existence, as it has corresponded to their facts, should empower us.

Basically everything experienced is to be summarized to a story. There we complete our sentences and form with their help those structures with us which have filled us with thoughts. We work towards giving a certain part of these works. It should be our contribution, what will determine our happiness in life. The weeds have not passed away.



Blood Money

Not to leave anything out, to omit or otherwise to get confused has initiated something with us what has been good for the facts of a conception of it. What we have named can be discussed.

Money, to which the blood of tormented people adheres, is basically already burned. The fact that the currencies were not seen, what kind of suffering was brought because of them among the people, is supposed to be a weakness of the monetary value system. Basically, it has been a trap. Righteousness and honor have stood in opposition to it, but even the dignity of man has been sullied with dirt and has acquired a disgusting discoloration.

Anyone who dismisses this fact as insignificant is considered by me to be a questionable person.



Formal guidance

Whatever we have done has appeared to us in a good way.

A completion of the thoughts of me and a completeness of their representation by words go together with me. One has recognized what has been right. It has illuminated us. Light and shadow have their areas with us. There we have added the one around the other and have received something good by it what has been true. One by one, we have rearranged something that was still lacking in it, and in doing so, we have added more words to the scriptures. This has been allowed to happen to a certain extent. Thus we have fixed something, but held on to its determinability.

A certain danger has existed for us because of an overdetermination of things. Once it occurred, reading a scripture no longer yielded any useful value. For this reason, we have sometimes revised the writings. We have ensured an added value of the activity on the work as soon as it has been possible for us.

What we have also not done has been to entangle unrelated additions with the basic content of a text. We have been happy to confine ourselves to the trivial portion of what we have reproduced. Once such a portion has been moved by us to the center of our own effort, the inappropriate material has split off from it. So it has been well separated from it.

We have mostly omitted a special observation of the given. What has been observed in a natural way has not brought us anything special. Thereby we have looked for something simple. Thus, we quite rightly find that this is welcome to us.

Whatever we looked at when creating our own writings, we looked for a clear form for it and eventually found it. A reflection on the trivial part of a thing has meant that one brings its basic form into the center and fixes it there. What has become true through this, has also occurred with us in life and existence. There it has endowed us not without reason with good knowledge about the true facts of an existence.

Meanwhile, we have followed one principle. Describing it has meant revealing it. I was happy to do that.

Three independent ways of representing the same thing are to be given in order to be able to grasp it. (Triviality)

A localization of the thought and idea world of us has made these urbar.



Validity of the given

In a world which has forgotten nothing, all ways are to be regarded like integrals. So they also appear. Even the smallest shadow adds up to a process and will be once more powerful than it was before. There everything alone is to be only a gradation of light what we have looked at the things. Meanwhile some of it has already lost luster with us. Only a few things will still be as fresh and clear for us as in the young days of our life. Who is able to remember well those former incidents of his life, has luck. At some point, all good things will have passed away, but the existence of a person usually continues. At a certain moment, one has to get along without us. Basically, sooner or later, we all hand over our scepter and pass away.



With lowered eyes

Look down at yourself once and look up at yourself again. The center of it should be the heart of us. Let us keep our access to it well. Man feels with his eyes, but he sees with his heart. There he perceives something.

At times in life, we have had to endure. We have not always found it easy to bear the yoke of our existence. Nevertheless, we have taken it upon ourselves and learned to bear our lot. We have paused if we have not known how to proceed. We went on as long as the paths were known to us.

Happiness has sometimes seemed out of reach. Step by step, however, we have put our feet in front of each other and climbed many a mountain. We have already walked many a path and achieved something in the process.



Get something as a gift

One must go a way, nevertheless, in order to find oneself.

Sometimes I wake up at night. Then I put myself in order. That's how I find many a quiet minute and come to myself.

One should not be disturbed at his starting point. You need to be dissatisfied alone only if it has remained so that you have not achieved anything good.

There I have traced the orbits of me on my life's path and turned at times. What has been granted to me would not have been much for others to be enough for me.

A completeness of what is mine has already sufficed me for something good in this existence.



Freedom of movement

A person's fear would be understood first and foremost as a drive. True to its effect, our path runs.

Many people are afraid to admit their fear. That's why they often come away empty-handed if the goal was to make a difference. Instead, they are happy about any progress, no matter what kind it will be. They move, but they hardly find their way back to their center.

I considered such behavior as an escape from reality and also called it so. In this way, one has not gotten anything on the shovel for a long time. Meanwhile, one's own existence has consisted of nothing but a descent of a kind.

We have recognized that. That's why one meaning of all progress has exhausted itself soon with us. That fact, that everything in this way was nothing, did not bother people very much in the meantime. It did not make them angry. Only a few people found a fault in themselves. Some did not even begin to look for it there. Then he has gone out with certainty empty.



Faith, hope and love are supposed to be the three natural forces of a human being. What has already come about through them has been significant for a happiness of ours. In unity with ourselves we have experienced their effects. Our mind has been based on them. Because of them we have managed.



The box of alchemy

Slowly! - Only the rest has gained importance at that moment when we have had to wait. There the vessels have been at work and have transformed the ingredients. Some things came up that way, some things came true that way. There we have let go of everything and at the same time received something.

Now everything has happened as it had to come. The glasses have broken, the brew has evaporated. Some residue has remained and is now stuck to the table on which the apparatus stood. There are shards in between. We wanted to understand the whole thing, so we investigated the facts. We recreated it, brought the brew to the boil again, and then it collapsed again, not without breaking the tubes first. That made a loud bang! - Meanwhile, some smoke was produced and stank. The shards from the broken glass lie scattered on the table and floor.

Now we wouldn't be any smarter than we were before, but I guess we realized that it had to be that way. We did something wrong. Whatever that might have been, it ensured that we didn't really get any closer to our goal.

You have to admit something like that. No amount of vanity will help against that. We have failed again. The test setup was not suitable for the matter. The right way is still unknown to us, so the goal must also be uncertain. Will we be able to reach it another time?



Informal dementia

Accuracy is one of the basic forms of madness.

Whoever thinks about things that have been irrelevant for himself basically has nothing to say about it. That's why he inflates himself more with every further word. In the end, it will have been his digestion that went to his head. Some people have done nothing more than to back up their dominance in words and speech. With it they claim us, but they have not earned respect for it.

What the people in our direct environment have given of themselves has corresponded at times to a delusion and has come along like a denial of the true. There they have used themselves even more strongly and everything of it has been exuberant meanwhile.

After their contents have become inane, they have stiffened to a reproduction of those experiential values for which they have been granted media access. Precarious it is to be, if one has not recognized that such behavior has been unacceptable. One can speak alone only badly of those things which have been put in front of one without an actual need for it having existed with him.

Since it has happened to me at times that my fellow human beings have behaved like this in my presence, I have kept silent about it. I did not want to humiliate them. However, they rarely reacted to this on their own.

Sometimes I have been met with nothing else. Talents have been forgotten, something good has gone astray. Much of it has been buried. Meanwhile, what has been said or done in this manner has been useless.

Everyone must know for himself on which step of a staircase he wants to sit down. In the meantime, something has been considered important by the fellow men for the moment in many cases, which it has not been. A center of itself people have rarely recognized or even claimed such.



How to find happiness

People went to court because they were looking for clarity.

At the beginning and at the end there is a balancing of the whole. Then the circle has closed again with us if it has occurred again and has become true. Meanwhile all things new beginning has a multiple valency to own. It becomes true with it a stable moment which is able to release considerable parts of the manifest. As long as we have wandered on the way to such a balancing, our happiness has experienced continuance. With every step away from it our existence has become more disordered. No chaos has resulted from it, but we have only lost our power over ourselves in the process. In order to put an end to the weakening that has come to us through this, we have begun to travel the labyrinth of thoughts. In it we will almost certainly get lost. Ariadne's red thread will break. The Minotaur will also track us down. That's the way it's supposed to be.

Let us face our own life. Let us bring it into balance. All our own power should be suitable for it, as we have been given, what we have considered.

By means of realization of such experience values, as it came about in the process of understanding oneself and one's own life, we should realize the meaning of what has been there and how it has had an effect. In the meantime, everything has reached its maturity in us and we have fulfilled our task. Without fulfilling it, not much good has come to happen to us.

There we admit that these thoughts have come to us while we have found ourselves. Also an inner light casts a shadow fitting to it. The one without the other has been unthinkable. This is to make up the experience of a man that he has recognized what would not be to be discarded. Thereupon our difficulties with the existence as a human being shall find to their recognition before us. We have left everything as it has been, because something good is built on it. One sees one's way as a default of life in this existence and thus makes true something of it, which has been good for itself. A vigilant person watches over his life happiness completely rightly. He guarded it properly and protected it from all overflowing evil.

If the events of a world have seemed unchangeable to us, we have always remained a part of the whole.



A cause which dates back more than two years has not been one.


Bienvenue, Welcome, Herzlich Willkommen


Dear reader,

here on the web page called 'Alchemy', a wiki which is part of my card index, I as the author of it would like to give you an access to some of my written compositions. These have been previously worked out by me analogously to those other examples of a language design, as they have already existed. I have created them with my own pen.

My name is Mathias Schneider, *1975. I completed an apprenticeship as a tool mechanic around the second turn of the millennium, but did not pursue this profession for long. After a subsequent study of mechanical engineering, which I discontinued soon after completing my basic studies, I tried to reorient myself professionally. Therefore, since 2006 I have had the desire to consolidate myself socially.

That's when I brought my own art thing, which I had already favored in my youth, back into my field of vision. I have tried to tackle the things connected with it once again. That spirit of my former world of thoughts and ideas I have tried to restore since then. I have done this by taking up something remaining to me there and completing it with the time. The painterly work created so far I have meanwhile visually and linguistically prepared for you.

Through this, little by little, some good things have come back to me and have entered my life again, which is firmly connected with me. In addition, some things have come up which I had to clarify. For this purpose I have examined myself and have gone into retreat with myself. I did not always feel completely at ease with everything that took place in my life during that phase of upheaval. I accepted a lot of things that were actually not good for me. For a better preparation of the facts of my life I have worked out at this time with a writing program offline on an own server first texts to my person. I developed thereby approaches for the representation of the given. In the meantime I know how to deal with these and can apply them.

Some things with substance have arisen in this way, which I still like. With the time also those things developed, which were usable for the establishment of a base station in the Internet. With the help of this bastion, as I have sometimes called it, I have been able to expand my work show and set it up online. In the process, many things were created that are still of great value to me today. Since then, my exhibition has not only consisted of my paintings, but from now on also of writings and music. Thus it has embodied a whole compound of activities to which I still devote myself today.

During some such phases of renewal of my goods and reflection on my person, I have ordered and weighted my life. As a result, I soon found my way back to an improved quality of life. My world of thoughts and ideas has experienced a stabilization and regained its radiance.

Like the rays of a star, my wikis reach into the Internet these days and make it possible for a few people to find what I once designed. This is supposed to be something fantastic, what I have created there. The former center of this structure was once embodied by the old writing program, which meanwhile slumbers away in a box. It has already entered its resting state and has for the time being served out with me.

Here I am, Mathias Schneider living in the nice, but throughout also somewhat dreamy town of Offenburg in the Ortenau district. It is located in southwest Germany at the foot of the Black Forest near Strasbourg. Here I live since the year 2001 again. I have also spent my youth in this city.

I have been artistically active in many ways. I like to do that until today. Admittedly I experience thereby some phenomena which have taken me at times nevertheless already very much. I have a rich inner world of my own. I would like to preserve something of it. Therefore I take up the essence of it with my works and integrate it into them. So the things have been created by me in such a fullness and quality as it is now. Meanwhile, I have called this card index a 'construction kit'. With this I want to make clear that its substance is to serve me as basic material for my further work. It contains completely rightly everything relevant to my existence from the last years.

So the Wiki 'Alchemy' is a part of the construction kit. It is supposed to be about putting my thoughts and ideas about a fashionable kind of alchemy on the way. However, I would like to have the spectrum of those texts to be written and accommodated here clearly limited to the content of my own things. That I keep to a large extent. To them they should turn out coherently and thus be suitable to what constitutes me. I am a quite visually inclined person. I have my own, consistently shining spectrum of colorfulness when I look at nature. A related glow of things I would like to describe here. Thus, I have in mind to make clear to you what value the colors, but also the forms have for me in everyday life. I would not like to have kept that for me. They represent the key to a happiness with me, which I have experienced.

To these facts I have written down some things, which should show the substance of it. I have done this in a simple way, which has been possible for me spontaneously. Many hours of a free writing I have spent to elaborate the texts. Many more hours I expect to spend sifting, arranging and preparing them.

Of course, I did not have to start writing texts from scratch when I started to create the Wiki 'Alchemy'. At that time I already had some years of practice of a language design to show. On the basis of the existing writings I have built up everything and some therefore already from the readership, but also from me expected as well as for it presupposed. In the meantime something has developed, which asks for your hearing. Here some of the things have been prepared linguistically, which I like to have. The performance of my work as a literary man experiences meanwhile certain turns.

I have tried to integrate also my art work here beside a personal sighting of those facts of the alchemy. I would like to illuminate the given from a certain point of view and represent my world of thoughts therefore in a way which lets it appear in a light belonging to it. Meanwhile I keep a certain distance to such facts, about which I have said something. What I have already created, I would like to apply afterwards also practically as well as evaluate theoretically afterwards. What will be necessary for it, I will set up little by little after I have found and recognized it.

My texts have sometimes been like playgrounds for me, thanks to which I have been able to engage in meaningful activities in my spare time. Soon quite a few things have accumulated. They belong once bundled. In the meantime I deal with it carefully and examine, which of it before me rightfully endures, before I change something of it. I do it that way because I used to work on it so profoundly. It has nevertheless all of it a value to own. These writings should help me to find an existence filled with peace and leisure. Many an hour of reading and writing on it has meanwhile already brought its contemplative moments for me.

Since I have not used any template for the creation of the Wiki here, originally except those blank sheets and files nothing but my knowledge around the German language and a few memories for what constitutes my life have been available to me. Some of the things described here are certainly still very thin in their order and would like to be improved. In the meantime I continue to work on securing the contents given here. I have created this wiki without being able to know anything about what will be one day. However, I believe in a fundamental value of language design and its results.

It is during the creation of this text work at times, as otherwise also in my life already very much got mixed up with me. I have often had to sort myself anew, in order to be able to limit the subject area, about which it should go here basically. There I have sat down courageously and brashly many times and have written down something to the alchemy which has been partly perhaps of a dubious rank. The material belongs now sifted and weighted.

I have always adapted my method to achieve desired results with it. I look out thereby for true thoughts, on the basis of which I can clarify my things for life in a finite kind. More and more I find them with a realization of a representation of the trivial. Its valence shall endure before me. In analogy to what I have basically intended for my work, I create my writings and declare the occurrences of the existence of me. For this I use my own life as an example, because I experience it directly. It represents a level of the truth for me. True to my point of view it should be given in such a way. My motto for it is 'the life is a truth for itself'.

My texts are often created by a simple addition and removal of words. I was able to create and expand the existing base of fonts in this way. In the process, my ideas came to me. Thanks to these considerations my writings have been completed soon. Some collection of my forces has resulted with me. This additional effect of a language creation has helped me to an improved constitution. Meanwhile, I have tried to express my thoughts clearly as well as to present them as a web consisting of words. This has resulted in a whole network of effective things which have been good for something. The individual knots at such a strand from words should correspond to the respective facts, around whose naming I was concerned. Such have appeared countable and therefore can be added up to a whole sum. With the help of them, I could easily survey the existing work without damaging its inner structure in the understanding of it. 

That simplicity of the fabric of my world of thoughts and ideas shall constitute the knitted fabric which has filled my 'construction kit' with liveliness. After years of work on it, these writings have finally become what they appear as today. This collection of texts shall now be released for the audience of the internet, so that someone can take notice of it. Please give yourself a little time out from the stresses and strains of everyday life while reading here.

I would like to wish you much pleasure with a reading of the texts and remain now

With kind regards

the author Mathias Schneider



Psychological concepts

Beliefs are errors in beautiful garb.

After it has often been suggested to me that the money in our state will be decisive for social development, I have come to leave such statements uncommented. However, I must admit that I lacked the arguments against it. That's why I'm spinning my thread now just like all the other people did.

So the following question exists for me.

Who or what rules the world in the world?

The answer to be named now has been a default by my fellows.

Money rules the world.

Consequently, a realization of man is either about an independence from money (other people) or about a wealth in the form of ownership of money. Now I let this stand as a statement as I have just written it down. After all I show by it, how I stood to it, what means a money to me.