
This page is translated with the help of some software. I have used to translate my texts. They are originally written in German.

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To pursue an observation of nature without the commitment to the phenomenon has seemed to me as sensible as setting up a candle without a wick and stand.



Constant creation

It will hardly be possible not to preserve something existing without losing nothing of it. There the man has striven for the wrong, if he has striven for giving up his things. But who has tried to give a representation of it, how something is, must have looked at it for this also, what has been there.

How he wants to approach this, he has to decide himself. To the human being, the means of a human being must simply be sufficient for what he wants to accomplish, or he has to fail. So remains perfect what has been perfect, but it works wrong what has been faulty. There a work can be at best as good as its creator has been.

Sometimes our thoughts and ideas have been of the same value as the good of this world. Then man has rejoiced and something useful has come to him.


Speech design

The hoard of the wind

A person wants to be consistent in life and so he goes his way in a way that is equivalent to this. Sometimes he lets everything sink in and comes to terms with the fact that he has achieved nothing good. What he has seen of the world has not been anything he needed for himself. How he felt with it, what is to him, nobody knows to say just in a happy way.

Moreover, man has remained a stranger to his fellow men. That is why he has become a solitaire. Meanwhile, the people have remained those who they have always been. He, however, will be different from them. What he has to own, he has kept for himself, and so it has made big waves what that has been.

Nevertheless, he has some things in common with his fellow men. There it requires a certain measure of food for everyone. So he joined them and went to a pub. Their looks have guarded him in the meantime what he has been able to perceive.

He liked to keep to himself. He rarely sat down alone with those who misjudged him. Soon he took a seat at another table and ordered a meal. During the meal he did not speak to anyone.

There people murmur something behind his back. As a rule, they did not understand him. They did not find out why he acted that way. Their picture of him was not complete, but they judged him anyway. Then they were already finished with him immediately.



A round thing

Mathias Schneider has sought and found a force and a form for himself. This happened when he started to understand them separately from each other. There he has accepted them as independent of each other and also left them standing for themselves.

He has trained his powers by reducing them. The fine has suited him well.

He has maintained his form. For this purpose he has settled in his present position. Thereby he has gone more and more to experience a silence in rest. Meanwhile, his head has been buzzing and it has been buzzing in his ears. Many a lustful joke he has made because of it and has enjoyed it.

That's when he appeared. He has something to own, which makes him. He knows some of the conditionalities of himself and has observed them in order not to do anything wrong. He has renounced the permissiveness and has decimated his arbitrarily assumed liberties until a normal measure has existed for them. The way there has been a path of knowledge. It is good that he has made true with him something which corresponds to his nature.

So there he is, bound in time and place he appears. His nature is that of a simple man with ordinary views. He likes to abstain from the too far and too near. But what he has used for himself should be a kit, which holds everything together with him. That's why he has accepted that thanks to such a kit his own actions are to be joined flush and at best make a circular path. He stands up for it, his search for meaning is aligned with it. 

So now force and form are already found, the result of his working is to be understood meanwhile like a cycle. Between these two systems an equivalence has existed. So it will have to be assumed that an additional moment is needed to be able to guarantee that. To integrate it into the existing consideration has done need.

Mathias Schneider has thus defined a circle for himself, which he is willing to keep. Meanwhile, a force and a form appear with him in independence of each other and form parts of his being. Something further is to be added, which was just still without definition. Who has understood it as that kit of which he has already spoken before in this speech, shall be right with it. Since such a one is eternally that good, what has completed the things of a man, like him. Everything becomes a round thing thanks to it. It shall be true for it that it is consistent.

A completeness of the given and a familiarity of the events strive towards each other. Thanks to the one, one can define the other. There one has named it, without having to make it definite, what has been to supplement. Thus it can be recognized, although it remained variable. Moment by moment everything changes its nature and remains nevertheless what it will be. There the substitute as the completion of the whole to its uniform form as a circular way has been well accepted by us. What we have given with it, we have thus already tried to fix verbally. Who still has not understood us there, has just perhaps not listened to us well.

For this substitute it was true that it was something else than that good which was formed by force and form. There it represents the supplement of the whole to its uniform mode of appearance and was nevertheless without such a mode of appearance, because it was not mentioned separately.

Thus, we have given a framework for what the substitute is supposed to be, without being able to grasp it other than in its abstracted form. It should be enough for us to an understanding of the facts of our existence. Basically, it will be something beautiful that we know about such a thing.



Cover letter

Dear Reader,

here, in one of his writing projects, the author Schneider undertakes a thoroughly linguistic enterprise in order to create something that attempts, in an independent way, to point out a new way of looking at the alchemy of the present, that field of emerging and existing things, and subsequently to walk such a path as will be associated with it.

This art form has always existed. Admittedly, it would often no longer run under its name. Nowadays, alchemy is considered to be too devious and too disreputable, which is true from the point of view of our present epoch. Some see it as not very well founded. This is said to be true to a special extent, if someone would not even have known it properly, but nevertheless is willing to raise his word about it. Then people speculate about its essence and its speech sometimes acquires such an insipid flavor, which in no way does justice to the cause of alchemy. The question, whether this science will be carried out properly, is yet to be clarified.

A presence of the present time, as we find it visibly more pronounced with us, has made Schneider think. Many things have changed for us people in the recent past. Our habits have also changed. For example, the Internet has been developed and has led to new ways of communication for us. In the course of this, man has gained a new, even expanded view of his existence.

Today, we are facing a multitude of crossroads with all of humanity. It concerns everyone what is happening. We should determine for ourselves what we have understood of it. It would be up to us to recognize what developments have come up in the meantime. As we have used the Internet, society has changed.

Thus, another, indeed a new area for communicating with people has emerged. It has its own channels, its own control mechanisms and, in addition, will probably soon have an even greater share of artificial forms of influence (A.I. or A.I.) than it already had.

Meanwhile, a person also needs a certain rest for himself. Thereby one comes to oneself, reflects on one's own good. We should be aware of the questions of the time. As a rule, we make them by our own example, which in the best case has resulted from our existence. In this way, many things can arise in us that have to do with the fact that so many changes are happening in the world right now.

How does Schneider approach his own existence? - As an 'Art-Trash' activist, it is a concern for him to bring calm into the system of communication. That's why he has described his own property in such detail. The questioning of what is going on in the world, he has at times faded out. It seems to be of a hectic nature. He prefers to write about his art work rather than about things that are too distant.

Therefore, in his reflections, he has increasingly moved away from the greatness of mankind and has begun to confess to the simplicity of existence as a human being. He would like to deal with such facts more exactly as they are suitable to it.

Every person brings something with him that is his own. One has preserved such a thing. Life wants it so from us. There we have plowed and looked at the field of the thoughts and ideas, in order to receive something of value for us. Meanwhile Schneider has determined the boundary conditions of his existence.

He has assigned his writings to the language formation. With their help he has been able to form and shape everything as it should exist now. Schneider would like to ensure a form of the world of thoughts and ideas, which is correctly prepared also in linguistic respect, with the time. Thereby he believes in a universal character of it. In the meantime, he has opened his fund to the readership.

Please have a look around here. Just take note of what you find interesting. Your feedback is always welcome to the author. (E-Mail: Thus remains

With kind regards

the author Mathias Schneider



The sense and purpose of a language design, as the author Schneider has pursued it, should be a representation of well-ordered trains of thought. What is to be experienced by a person who has read something like that should turn out salutary and blessing for him. Thereby it has been nothing great. No, it has rather reflected something of it which is like everything else.



Nothing what exists has its effect by itself. Everything follows a principle of order. This the author Mathias Schneider would like to call the principle of the inclusion. In contrast, the human being with an exclusion merely makes void decisions. An aesthetic is shaped in this way, a style is determined. Only in excerpts the whole can be reproduced with it, what we have understood as the whole of it. There the exclusivity clouds the eye of the human being, his focus seems to be charged by this spell. There everything pulls at us what we have always ignored. If we lift this effect finally with us, we also get clear.