

If you knew how to do everything right the first time, you wouldn't need to be creative.



Wait and see for mind games

Who represents a cause,

which has been wrong,

does the something with sense?


Who represents a cause,

which will be correct,

alone makes something with sense!


Whether something has been right or wrong would not be that important to me at first.

It would be more important to stand up for a cause in the first place

and also to learn something about being human.



Do not renounce the example

If you want to make yourself understood to a person in your environment, you should assess who you are dealing with. This should be one of the prerequisites for getting along well with another person. In addition also the actual interest of a person would have to be considered. It should be taken into account by us. In this way, a valid framework can be found and established for those things that should make up the conversation. It can be easily illustrated, conveyed or discussed by us. In the course of the first conversations with another person, we soon recognize it in the way what is desired to him and what would not be. This would be conducive to the mediation of a matter.

In subsequent conversations, those 'objects' (contents, topics) of the other person's interest that have already been hinted at by the other person can in turn be addressed by us and our own thoughts about them can flow into the conversation. In this way, many a topic can arise. It would be good to address his counterpart on things known to him. That should make it possible that one exchanges gladly.

For some people it should be normal to speak in an ordinary way. Sometimes you want to get an example of what was actually said.



Being true to yourself

Words are resonances.

Who devotes himself to the words,

who will perhaps find their frequencies.

After paying attention to the sounds of someone else's voice,

I need a return to myself,

to come to terms with what makes me tick.




So little is good.

So many things are supposed to be bad.

Some things I wished for,

and yet only a few things have come true on their own.

Actually, I was longing for a situation,

in which everything should be good for the existence of us humans.

That is so true.

I know that this is the case with me,

and yet I have hardly been able to tell there what will actually have to be done about it.

Meanwhile, I want to preserve both the bad and the good, because everything has its value.

I don't want to have anything filed away or even lost.



Understanding his life as a downhill ride

It is difficult to lead one's existence and it should remain difficult. It would not be at all simple or even easy to get along with the existence. It has certainly not been the plan of God to meet the people in their willingness, so I believe there.

No, people must actually search themselves for the truth of that existence which has determined them. It is not enough to dig into oneself by brooding. It is also not enough to go out of oneself all the time and to experience life in a hedonistic way while laughing. Both of these are tantamount to maltreating the soul. But we rarely thought of anything else than that on our own. That's why we soon gave up everything and did nothing.

Being a human being is something very significant. Being human is a special grace within the world. Being a human being is connected with a whole basket of talents, which we can exploit. God has given it, but he will have to take it away from us if we have not handled it well. Life certainly ends with the death of us. That should be so true. Until then, man will lose at least what is superfluous for him, something surplus, because he did not really possess or use it. Life, according to such a way of speaking, is like a 'descent'. Everything about it becomes less. So it shall soon be clearly understood by us according to its kind, what this has meant.

The course of a human being gives him naturally an existence full of changes. Sometime he can recognize it that he has already lost or used up some essences in the life on this side of the death. Up to a not exactly determinable limit this will already be so true. We recognize it that we have already lost some own territory. Many a duty is demanded of us there in life and we could not resist having to pay one. A confrontation with death, as difficult as it may be for one or the other, should be conducive to the success of our task in life. Only the one who knows something about it and can also recognize it, what really matters in existence, will know how to exist.

The dark and with it the shadow, something cold and with it the wet would not only consume the forces of the human being, they also renew them again to a certain extent. The light and with it the joy, something warm and with it the nearness, would not only renew the life, they also consume its forces again and again. Only the change from one to the other gives to the human being that compatible climate, thanks to which he can prosper as well as he needed it for himself. Continuous light shine has led the eye to the glare. Continuous darkness has prepared for the spirit a decline, even contributed to a decline of the same. Here, too, the change of the given shall be that good which has kept the things of man in balance.

How beautiful the candle was in the dark night. How delightful the fresh water running down our throats from the deep well on a hot summer day. We want things to continue to stand out so clearly from one another, so that the joy and happiness of being human remain with us.

To form his life from the outset as a descent would be in my eyes an act of foresight. For the whole of a human existence this has led to a harmony with the events with us. There are certain tasks which want to be done by us. There we go about it and make them true.

One admits it to the things that they have arisen and have taken place. These facts of a life are to continue their usual course faithfully, as this is given with us.



Volume uniformity

Before and after a quantity must be the same or it has been manipulated. If one draws from the whole, it could not become more, unless such a thing would be according to the nature of a thing. The fact of our existence contains everything which has meaning for it, however, it has not been to be extended exactly for this reason. We are to consider that the given quantities have always been constant.



The phenomenon in the mirror

It shall be questionable whether it would be good if a phenomenon has occurred with us permanently. Since such a one can have burdened us quite. It can really get on our nerves, what we have experienced and suffered because of it, that it has not ended. So I looked at it and came to a conclusion about this. I believe that it will be a good feature of the world that these phenomena will gradually be cancelled by it and disappear.

However, who wants to open up a certain phenomenon for himself, he must sometimes do very much for it to achieve that it appears. Such a thing has resisted nature. Therefore, a duration of it wants to be given only for a short time, although its effect wants to turn out so inconspicuous.

Since the basic state of the things of a human being wants to be one freed from such effects, also all kinds of phenomena gradually let go of the human being and release him. They have certainly been needed by us for a conception of the given, but after that has occurred, we would not need them at all. Besides it is supposed to be so that the human being has basically only perceived changes at his environment. There it is supposed to be good that the phenomena also really soon disappeared again completely. So the space becomes free for other conditions.

The existence of a person is to take place in the presence of the appearance of such phenomena. They embody changeable states. Thus, they give us a certain liveliness. Without that, nothing would go well. Yes, one can accomplish something in a favorable way. There we have to own a sense for it, which has known to recognize these things.




A person who loves the conventional is sometimes ridiculed by other people because of it. Oh, you need a good backbone as a consistent person who also wants to appear like that. One is sometimes tested by people in an exaggerated way. How safe such people thought you were makes a difference. The weakest are approached by them first. The more insignificant someone has been, the more fiercely they have sometimes acted against him. Some people have not felt an injustice emanating from them. What they have done to someone else has mostly had no effect on themselves. Thus, such a moment becomes a one-sided pleasure for them.

But a conventional thinking person finds little joy in such a thing. Rather, he recognizes an actual nuisance in such a thing.



The spirit of man in the prism

The light of things always emanates from the light of man as well. Man would not be less than anything in the world. He has rather the tendency to have already appropriated the mystery of the things of his environment to certain parts before something further can happen. Equipped with such a foresight of the coming events he is and so man has by means of his vital strength an own possibility to co-determine and co-shape a being of the changes before their actual fate by something else. There he can interpret it creatively in the run-up of an appearance what is really given. Many a thing has been pre-drawn in this way.




Don't run crisscross through the forest.

Do not orient yourself solely on the trees and branches.

Pick something more striking for it,

whereby you can get a knowledge of it,

where you are.


Meanwhile, also recognize it,

what is with you.

A time of your own works with you.

It is embodied in your movement,

the reason for the ups and downs of things will be so clear to you.


It will be,

by which a prosperity or a ruin can be caused.

Guard the knowledge.

Protect yourself

and let up, let up, let up.




One of the truths of life will probably be that you have to leave something in order to be able to preserve it.



Without possessing an actual memory of his existence, man could not occur.



That way of construction of the things of a man has its peculiarities. With every further shaping of the given by him something of his potential loses. There it changes in a finite manner. There many a thing has come into being. Much of it has turned out crooked and crooked and would be practically not good to be used by us.



Higher, faster, further should be a principle of success.

Deeper, slower, tighter will be the principle of a success comparable to this.

The question, which target we have recognized for us, determines the success we can expect.



The own

A person's property can only be at his disposal for the duration of his existence. Those gifts that a person has had during his existence must be left behind when he leaves.

Thus, everything given has been of a finite nature.