Harmonious occurrences


Generate impulses

He who has worked with examples is right. Everything happens analogously to a truth and therefore remains as it is. One can orient oneself to it. It can be found where it has occurred.




Then, when you need a spark, light a candle.

The speeches of a man should testify to his reason. A light can arise alone only where also a flame is able to exist. Meanwhile, we are all very attached to the fire department.

Man, in his view as the crown of creation, has spoken a lot of brass. There he can turn and turn it, as he would like. It remains what it has been.

He who has not known how to fight for his cause has not contributed to its preservation. He who has not drawn his strength from the information that is able to enlighten him, has none.



Legality of an acquisition

What has come about among us humans through a benign will has not yet been of use for a long time. We keep it with certainty, but it is sometimes of little use. Some people have suppressed it instead of bringing it to maturity. Those who have not managed to take care of it, have sometimes done themselves a great disservice. Many a happiness has been lost prematurely because of it and has never come to fruition.




A person's faith is based on a truth. It embodies a wisdom of humankind. It is not chosen. The science of man, on the other hand, is based on a plural of point-formed models for which there is no proof. They exist because nobody is able to hold something against it. However, they rarely fit to each other or have even resulted in a picture of the complete whole. A list of them has not yet let itself be joined by anybody to a unity.

If the intention of the sciences may have been of a noble kind, their fruits have always remained insipid. In the least, therefore, they have retained such an aftertaste.




It should be according to a person's character what he has approved of. That which we have approved of, we also approve of. Then, if something has been easy, we have managed it ourselves.



Sense of order

Whoever wants to have a large army of soldiers must also produce them. He who wants to grant the role of lord to many must also elevate them. He who wants to find unity with his fellow human beings must also recognize them as equals. He who seeks to preserve peace should not renounce its forces.



Harmonious occurrences

Within nature there are regularities which can be understood by us humans. For this it is necessary that the limitations of the effectiveness of the same are known to us and are also applied by us. We keep them so that we succeed in something good, which corresponds to their nature.

The topic of a vibration of solid bodies, which is relevant for the author Schneider, has so far been processed independently of this. From now on, however, he limits that area which he wants to investigate. He describes it in such a way that the solid bodies alone experience only small deflections. This is to make possible that the corresponding oscillations also run harmonically. It should come to no flashovers and to no jumps thereby.

Although the facts of a harmonic oscillation have been known to him since the year 2002 at the latest, he has always disregarded them in his considerations up to now. Of course exactly therefore also the results of his studies have turned out so unpredictable. Now he wants to go over to keeping that principle of the 'small deflection'. This will have to be applied in such a way.

Small improvements in one's own way of working can make a big difference in the long run. Schneider has an inkling of this and strives to fulfill something expected.



Take a position

Starting from a consideration of the given we recognize ourselves as existent beings. At least we would not be less existent than something like that our environment has been. With this we deal. What we can experience thereby of the value of our existence should be sufficient for us to a good life.

If we now examine the given, then we can determine it perhaps soon that everything experiences its effects, but also everything has its effects. Let's think there just once of the weight force. Such a force is mutually effective, since each material unit applies such a force. There the bodies attract each other, because a mass works now once in such a way. From this we can read that effect and impact correspond with each other. They are not fixed at all, but arise again and again.

This will be the virtual part of the world. It is invisible to our eye. Visible, however, are the effects of it. However, we must conclude on the effects. They are also invisible. There one must consider them, if one wants to understand something of the nature. Sometimes whole chains of events arise, if it is about the appearance of nature. Within such chains we are in this existence and are tied to it.

Whoever wants to free himself from being entangled in nonsensical ways of acting, he also frees himself from those who doubt the existing system of orders. He goes into himself and determines it, how it appears to him, what is given there for him. Then he looks for a way to cope with it as it is. Outside of the system of the orders there is no more stop for the human being. Then he burns up, which is to be a plastic paraphrase of an unattractive process.

Now we know the given, although it would like to appear to us perhaps unfavorably, as it is given. Moreover, we see it written before our eyes that the supposed way out leads to our extinction. One must first come to terms with this. An existence with happiness may have been wished for, but how can such a wish be preserved under such circumstances?

Let us simply determine the actual state of the given with us. Let's take that position which has been granted to us anyway. There it should be clear to us that such a picture language, as mine is one, makes clear something with plastic representation methods what wants to be according to a nature of the man.

It would be important for us to be able to adapt our position to the circumstances. For this purpose, we should detach ourselves from all freedoms. Such are only virtually available. But since we strive for a control of the virtual, we must also get hold of the given. There an empowerment of the human being takes place, if he keeps what is given to him. This should be the next thing that happens to us. Dealing with it will show the way of man, how it is just possible.


Speech design

The chakras and their meaning

In yoga and tantra, chakras are called the energy centers of the human being. There are many of them in the human body. Some of them appear symmetrically arranged, others are unique. A few of them are located directly on the center of the symmetry line on the human body. There they are arranged in ascending order.

The nature of the chakras, their position and meaning will not be discussed in detail right now. Instead, we would like to do some language design and open up the concept of an energy center. First of all the question arises, what is to be understood by the term energy. But we consider before still the system, in which we have to find ourselves. Such a system is given by the concept of order. With it everything is in the right place. We may assume that this is so valid.

In the following I now give a few aspects, which should apply to chakras in general.

Chakras can be localized.

An energy represented by it is of a unique nature, which corresponds to the chakra.

The principle of an effectiveness of such an energy type is represented by an experience of harmony on the human being.

The state of a chakra is always in a harmonious relationship with the overall system of the person.

The chakras on a human being are only noticeable when there is a disturbance affecting them.

By a chakra I understand a locality on the body which can be used by me to sink my mind (into a stable position). The energetic state of such a one is to be understood as harmonious.

The chakras are protected by 'gates'. Whoever enters them will be flooded with their type of energy. It does not make sense to speak about this intoxicated. It has not done good to every person in the same way, what is to be experienced in the process.

Without a unity of man and the virtue of his way of life, it would not be possible to ensure that man experiences happiness. Since the chakras are instances of human harmony, such will also be the true key to access them. So it is recommended to meditate on a unity of man. Everything else would not be left to our discretion. Therefore, it can be rightly said that an abandonment of 'freedom' would be necessary for the attainment of unity. But without a unity no harmony will be able to be released.

A system of coercion is outdated and only leads to the application of wrong principles. The good also goes along with something good.


Speech design

Finally come

I make an assumption for the evaluation of the given. The world is formed on the basis of the knowledge of man by him (from). In the smaller spoken this causes his participation. For this he uses a language. Their true regularities are partly uncertain. Something can be established to it, however. The following sentences shall deal with this.

Fixed thoughts about the language of us humans now come to light.

Everything we know has emerged from our language.

The word is the basic unit for forming our sentences.

Words cognitively imprint themselves on us humans and represent access points to actual ideas.

We humans usually speak and write in a manner that is familiar to us. An environment, but also an inner world shapes us humans.

A conception of cosmic events is to be subordinated to the linguistic order with us.

Truth is a human property, but not a linguistic one.

Man forms himself by the word, but he also forms something through the word.

Each word is a unique entity because of its sound.

Regarding the meaning of words, it is necessary to note that they can be defined by examples, descriptions and paraphrases. So, the word and its meaning are to be separated. The word is given, a meaning can and should vary.

But if now only the words are given by their sound, but everything else results from experience, then it is also an absolute (completed) quantity what appears there. On the other hand, the results formed with the help of the language are appearances of the nature and to the real events of a life. Thus they are of relative kind and are connected with the environment, the existence in it and our activities.

Under an education I understand it that one carries out to the given situation what is necessary to the life. We work without words, but at the same time we carry perceptions. We take them, evaluate with them what is given and act according to how it makes sense according to the corresponding facts. What we discuss afterwards is nourished by what is known to us. Thanks to our knowledge of language this is possible for us.

Speech design

A spring and its restoring force

The human body is charged with force effects. That is how it occurs. Man moves within a healthy framework as soon as these forces harmonize with each other. To this facts I would like to write something here.

We think of the human being as a material structure, which occurs, extended by integral, but virtual occurrences. There impulses, moments and forces work on us. Movements occur, many a jolt goes through us at times.

Against this, the body puts up a resistance. This is supposed to be the mass, which accomplishes this. Its inertia is our protection against all kinds of external influences. There it results in a buffer. Mentally we can address our body and thus control this mass. For this we move, therefore we take a good posture when we sit.

But there are also tendons and ligaments on the human body. These produce pulling force effects and result in body tension. Such a tension is what we call the strength of a person. Its healthy measure is, in turn, that which is in harmony with the overall system.

Such tendons and ligaments have similar properties in themselves as springs. They are under tension. So it will be good to ease off a little and allow these springs to move back to their resting position. An alignment of the body should do justice to this.



View and return an effect

The fire has burned at times ablaze. It did not go out again for a long time. It consumed everything that was ready for it. Many a warm breath of air was released. Then the winds came and strengthened the flames. Some ash has remained of what has been eaten by the fire. In between are residual pieces of the material, clothed in black charcoal luster. Some smoke has been in the air for quite a while, as long as the embers have glowed. Gases have escaped, the scenery testifies to a deceptive idyll of a past conflagration.

With such a description of an effect I would like to begin here to understand that essence of a natural phenomenon and to represent it how it has come to what happens there. For this I have chosen a simple, verbal formulation for the facts of a fire. Shortly my thoughts have come up to it, so that I have been able to note them soon.

I would like to be allowed to add an evaluation of this incident. Nothing has happened in vain on this world. Everything has his reason because of which it has occurred. So also the fire will have originated only when an ignition spark has begun to decompose the material. There it is supposed to be an analogy to other occurrences which appear equally natural and are sometimes simply given.

Everything about nature resists instability. In the same way it can be said that everything strives towards a calm situation. There the fire not only burned, it also went out in time. It took its share of the whole, but basically it happened under compulsion. There the fire was used and did not know how to defend itself against it.

All things fall back on themselves as soon as one has left them. There they arrange themselves according to their reference and their strength to the other occurred and lie there. Everything happens in this way in the world. The life has sprung from a fallow, not without making such a fallow cultivable for the own purposes of life. Thus the life has intervened in the nature and has procured space for itself. From life life has sprung, the world has changed in the meantime from a barren spot into a half paradise. There the fire is still in it, it has also occurred and has burned down everything tangible. But the rhythms of nature are those that behave in harmony with the given. There also a fire is accepted. Finally it occurs alone only if it has been there rightly.

In such a system man has appeared and has raised himself above everything. There man is capable of a destruction of the own basis of existence. That he would have nothing from it, one can hardly determine. Those people who have deprived nature of its peculiar property of diversity with machine power have often become very rich by it. Those who exploit nature and have taken from it everything that sustains it, are rewarded and endowed for it with manifold possessions.

There the man is similar to a fire if one wants to look at his all-destroying power, but he is not a natural part of the physical emanation, after all he knows no limit for his doing. There he digs around with excavators ever deeper in the earth's crust and brings out the most outlandish things. He is famous for it, his research urge has not yet kept any border. There he overcomes the thresholds of his original reason and extends his possibilities incessantly.



Information is energy

There are supposed to be two sources of a person's spiritual strength that he can appeal to and win over.

A reflection on nature and its power of sustaining life should be the first.

A reflection on one's own being in its harmony with the transcendent spirit of the divine would be the second.

All other kinds of the production of a reference system are more complex than these two. They presuppose manifold circumstances and constructions which basically don't need to exist. There the man has done it after all and has made himself free of his faith. His hope is therefore gone and he finds ever stronger pleasure in the reprehensible aspects of such circumstances. But since he will hardly be able to stabilize his mind with his joy, what he has created for himself collapses according to nature and since it is also devoid of a conception of spiritual circumstances, he also has no benefit from it doing so.

There he becomes an epicurean of fruits for which he has not been able to do anything. He keeps himself at the drip of his own nature and is nevertheless without a mind for the whole. He soon found a new detour to gain employment for himself. He learns to do without happiness in life and gambles it away. Much what is needed, he procures by a trade with work. There he takes a position for himself, in which he can bear his condition at best. Moreover, he also becomes rich. His package is big, he even has a lot in his hands. There his power over such structures pretends to him an empowerment of his being and he feasts on the corresponding fantasy of himself. His existence is about to get lost, but he lashes out if necessary and screams quite loudly. There it goes out, everything fades away and loses itself in the dust. Man is not made like that, but he has become like that. He has not found a task for himself, his way has not been blocked for him.



Order and aesthetics

The world is a wasteland, which man tries to valorize. There he puts his needs above everything. His hunger must be great, after all he does not only cultivate his garden. His thirst must be great, considering how deep those wells are which he has drilled. There the nature is given and the human being has spoiled it. According to his imagination he has done that.

It will be a shame that humankind has allowed this to happen. It must be a shame of all. It has not been necessary for it to have done it itself. It is already sufficient that one has tolerated it and has not prevented it. One could do not alone only something intentionally, one can look away just as intentionally. This will be just as unforgivable. We humans can forgive each other everything for no reason, but this would not bring the world back into balance. A basis of life is lost, meanwhile we eat our fill again. Our cheeks are bulging. But everything takes its soon end. There the human being strives toward its final decline. The crown of creation has lost its head.



A freedom of the heart

Then, when I was free to look for a job, for a long time I did not find anything that I could do to improve my happiness in life. Then I remembered the words of an elderly man. He once told me that what is near is of higher value for everyone than what is far away. Therefore, I first went into myself and looked at my life as it is.

Whenever people said something to me that amounted to advice, I listened to their words. Then they soon passed away again. Many a sound has come along with that. My ears still flap today from what was said to me.

I wanted to introduce an action to myself when everything was useless. I tried to preserve what had been mine. I did not want to deteriorate. Moreover, I have proved myself where it was possible. I have listened to other people's ideas and tried many things to improve my quality of life. It represents a profound protection for the health of a person.

My situation at the time was marked by the fact that I had no chance of finding a job. I was able to turn it around however I wanted. Nothing has come about that has meant an improvement.

That is why I went home and looked for a consolidation of my situation in the inner circle of my home. Nothing came up for me to do for others. So I was striving to do at least something for myself. Then it has been like a significant moment whenever I have followed the now following principle.

I don't want to get bogged down. I will not take on any task that is contrary to my actual task. Nor will I take a big trip or do anything else that is contrary to my fulfillment. Oh, at this moment I have had manifold deficiencies and have known it. Under the spell of danger I stood and tried to collect myself. From then on, I worked primarily on stabilizing, promoting and strengthening myself. The premise has been that I have integrated these three forces of psychology into my existence in such a way that they fit into the glyph of 'preserving and proving'. So I have integrated them into the borders of what means 'preservation and probation' for me. These have remained two orders of magnitude independent of each other.

A probation always takes place with me on that basis of the preserved. Thereby it sets something free, which has already made many a good thing possible for me. There the in such a way developed good has been accepted by me. It is like with a horse and its rider. The rider advances when his horse goes. The horse carries him along. So I have ridden along on the preservation and have tried to prove myself to it.

The way of the heart is not one that you have to walk. But one has a heart. There it is we who have walked without giving it up. The heart, meanwhile, has carried us and brought forth many things. As the rider on the horse can explore an environment, so the man, carried by his heart, has found and understood many things that constitute and condition him. There he has appeared and appeared. He has shown himself and has been there. It is delicious that he has progressed more and more. It has also happened to me. Every day of constancy has brought me closer to my real happiness.



Banishment to this side of the room

In a penal institution, it's easy for the warden to bully the inmates. There he can live out his fantasy, and that's the way he wants it. He gives them the food and decides on the portion. He assigns them the place where they can be and decides about the light in which they are. At times he also assigns them some sound. Then the doors slam, the bolt is pushed forward and the lock is operated. In such a lock is the cell of the prisoner, in it he is imprisoned. There he learns for the first time what freedom is. He experiences it because it is lost to him. He feels it because a vacuum has occurred there, which contains everything, everything except freedom is to be found in it.

So he has feet, but he can only walk a few steps by himself. So he has hands, but he could not do much with them in such an environment. So everything he has has been taken away from him. Meanwhile, he has to be careful to stay sane in his situation.

In a phase of unemployment, it is easy for the official to harass the unemployed. There he can live out his fantasy and that is also so wanted. He gives them money for life and decides on the portion. He assigns them the place where they can be and determines their potential, which is still left to them. At times, he also puts some locks on them. There have been no more coins in the bag for quite a while, the bread basket has been hung higher and the belt has to be tightened. At such a moment the kitchen remains cold. One starves and suffers need. In this state one remains. That's when you first experience what freedom is. You experience it because it has been lost. One feels it, because a vacuum has occurred, which contains everything, everything except freedom is to be found in it.

Thus he has been able to procure his feet, but hardly a suitable footwear. How can one go among the people like this without being despised for who one is! - Thus one has hands, but nothing in it to share it with others. One falls down in his socialization and yet would not be intercepted or braked in his falling. Thus one has been taken everything what he has. Meanwhile, he must be careful to remain sane in his situation.



Health - Incompatibility - Disease

What has been the highest good for one, because he has tasted of it, embodies a torment for others, because their life makes them miss it. There they have been ill and have not known how to change that. Some have understood this as suffering, others have suffered from the fact that they have been declared suffering. Everything they liked was taken away from them. They were despised and denied all class. For this, some people's language has many terms, because, depending on the way of expression, there have been many such formulations, on the basis of which other people can be taken out of the light. There the chaff has separated from the wheat and has been burned or has fallen immediately into the dirt. It does not matter. The chaff was not needed for anything. Nevertheless, she would be an essential component of a plant.

Some people have tried to protect themselves from the way people treat each other. He didn't put up with anything and therefore became a delinquent. He was declared incompatible and locked up.

Thus, our society has become one divided into classes. While some are considered intolerable and are locked away, the sick have been suppressed so that they would not even get back on their feet. Meanwhile, one enjoys the best health and earns well from all this.


A stale taste

It still seems absurd to me when people emphasize the positive. I want to be free from manipulation. That's where I really appreciated it when someone worked. In the process, people didn't speak. So moments have come and moments have gone, from which one has become clever. But how much the supernumerary word hurts. It would be the same, which attributes people have given themselves. What one did not want, he would also not have to accept. There it did not hurt, if one said once nothing.



Make a matrix of assumptions

What is an assumption, we humans have already rejected so often. There it has brought us certainly nothing. But so we have come to nothing, which should give us to think. It would be better there to let something apply. Instead of leveling the words, we should understand their meaning and thus fathom something true. There it will happen to us also in such a way, how we dealt with the things. Without understanding a fact correctly, we could not understand anything. There it could not be the intellect of the human being which has made it out. Rather his attention would have to be expressed, so that he comes to understanding. There those people are agitated with pleasure once whose comprehension has just suffered from a deficit of orderliness. In a world whose reality is orderly, the ordinance is the reason for any agitation in man. Thereby his faith is shaken. He knows his way around and suddenly everything is supposed to be different. What should he be able to do with it other than to be dissatisfied with it?

For this reason, he makes his own assumptions and decides on the findings he makes in the process. There he soon deviates from the norm. He goes his own way and gets along more or less well. However, his environment would not be able to soufflieren him anything suitable to it, if he did not know once further. He has to go into himself and understand his situation. For this he clarifies his thoughts. But how does the process come about with us, which causes it that the thoughts move from us to the clarity?

Let us nourish the spirit of us. Let's give it the food it needs. For this we interpret something perceived and announce it what it is. We confess to our thought by living it.

The fact that the thoughts have appeared in the spirit of man as his consciousness and thus as a reflection of the real, should clarify many things that have affected us. Then we realize it with us that we have heard something and we admit it. We face the doubts and deal uprightly with who we are. That is how we have experienced it. In addition, we have accepted that we are seen and heard. We may not always have been understood well, but we have been heard. We have not always pleased other people with our appearance, but we have not been permanently overlooked. That is why we appeared, because we appeared. Thus a part of the matrix of a human being is already addressed. But for what purpose should such a matrix be good for us?

We want to leave that open, what the valence of the matrix is in life as a human being. But we determine it that it has a valence. So we also say it that it exists, because what should a valence mean otherwise? - Thus it is given and determined.



Time uncertainties

A time of the man would be to be understood in the connection with his existence. Only in this way it shall be perceived. There it will not be a variable size. One can approach his tasks by choosing a frame for them. Then, if I have not dawdled, I do my tasks immediately. My speed, meanwhile, has not been one, because I have put my reference to myself in the process. One could not be at the same time with itself and away from itself. For this reason, I do not determine for myself a rush, but I strive for such a kind of perfection, which results thanks to the completeness of my action. Since I perform them directly, it could not be said that I am slow. I act deliberately. Whether this will be a mistake, shall be left open.