On the substance


A justified hope

That weighting of a meaning of a person's words and actions can certainly be felt during a conversation with him. It should happen in such a way, if one got involved with him. Every person urgently needs such a fellow human being for himself in order to get his own feet firmly planted on the earth.



What the people have already remarked to us, finds in that evaluation of us to his consideration. We have acknowledged and allowed that we can be heard on site at any time. We did not pretend at all, but we also did not go out of our way to shine all the time. What has now come true for us has a high significance for our further path in life.


Positive vibrations

I have known alone only a moment to follow my way. This has now come true, provided that I have allowed what has been to be accepted.



Stimulation for a conscious existence

The expansion of the human form will be one that can be attained through a completion of the given ways. There one needs an observance of it. The human existence contains in itself what has been a human being. Not all of it has already been revealed to us.

That's when we secured who we are. What we have seen in the mirror has been a reflection of the world. In it we are contained and so we have appeared to ourselves also in the surface of this mirror.

The mirror has reproduced the world completely. Everything that exists is something whole or it is broken. The elementary mirror will be now just what has shown us who is in the world. There this image has been a part separated from us.

What we have come to see in the light of the splendor of it is supposed to be the peculiarity of the world. There we have withdrawn from it and have put it in the back. The meaning of the world for us has been nothing that has pleased us.

All life has become through itself what it has been. We have held on to life and rejected the image of the world. The face of the world has been empty. Without us it would not have been fulfilled.

With it we have paused and have been again with us. Would like it stock to know who we are.     



Diamond dust

Before man has recognized his things, he will not be able to find them beautiful.



Of the nobility of a man

The wind of the soul has given something of it to man, which has driven him to maintain a full life as a human being in this existence.