One monad


Cosmic fuss

How can the earth orbit around a sun if it would not stand still in the meantime? Is this a spiral, what we experience as a planet thereby as a way or is it a helix? Can our orbit be the same as a circle or even like an ellipse? But what happened meanwhile with the mechanical principle 'actio equals reactio'? Shouldn't it also apply here? Did not the earth attract the sun and also the sun attract the earth at any time with the same force? Wouldn't the sun do a belly dance while we orbit it? How can this fit together differently than so what one gets to see there in the sky and tries to consider with himself in the whole?



Seeing the Internet as a role-playing game

Something has to be done right. There one starts at the given. You preserve what has become or try to understand something of it correctly. Then it should finally be possible to cope with what makes up our everyday life.

We find such a moment. At this moment we choose our task. From behind we roll up the events. This is so for the present. Our retrospection shall make existence understandable to us. What is given to us will be like the thread on a spindle. One after the other comes out there and becomes clear to us. In this we are involved.

Everything will be so that it means something to us. No one sees through the whole. That is so, particularly since it exceeds our power of comprehension to consider everything at the same time. However, we have some aids ready to it, in order to get along nevertheless with the given order of the things.

This is what we talk about with good friends. There we name the given, as it appears to us. We get something in return from them. After that, we look at what has been done and find out something about it. We spend many an evening in this way and sometimes we enjoy it. In this way we have made it possible for ourselves to experience something of what constitutes a real happiness in a person's life. Such a happiness shall be secured from now on.

Thanks to such authoritative opportunities, we can examine our own existence. There we take note of what constitutes it. Many a thought comes up, many an idea arises in the meantime. We can then take into account the thoughts we have found in this way in our other activities. Thus something comes into being with us, which would not be unworthy.

That which now already exists is to be our fortress, our own bastion. Such a one can be found by us gladly, because it is actually already there. That's how we are regarded, how we present ourselves. One perceives us more or less sporadically also in such a light, in which we have placed ourselves.


The principle of independence

Man strives for confirmation in his existence. In the process, he learns to weigh what confirmations he receives. Some mean a lot, but others have not possessed such a high significance for man. There he rejects them, because these have not moved much for him.

Once man excludes the inanities of his existence, he can soon separate himself from them. Little by little, less of what he detests remains. All at once he gains some time for more important things.

At times, we long for a community. It will be a valid principle that we humans are likely to sit alone only in empty places. Therefore, whoever wants to come into contact with other people, create space for them.

Many important things enter the life of a man only when he is free for them. First of all, the work of a man must be mentioned. It will be absolutely true that only he can take up a work, who has none at the moment, but would like to attain one. There he has ideally already made himself free from what he has worked before. He takes all his experiences from there with him, but who would not be open for something new, he blocks himself too much.

Soon we can let it go and justifiably acquire something we need.

A formula is to be called for it, which it says, how we can secure the confirmation meaningfully.

[acceptance of the given + confirmation] = [self-affirmation].



World in coma

As a person, if you believe in what you once learned, then over time you come to have doubts about what is happening nowadays. So many things would seem to disagree. The insights of a youth and adolescence soon become obsolete, no one needs them anymore.

But what makes the human being in its existence? - It is easy to understand that everything with us is conditioned by the given. But that would not be at present only truths what one has to recognize and to endure. Some lie comes there in the most improbable garments and postulates unbelievable.

Starting from the simple approach that I am looking for an approximation to the true realities of existence, I can say it that I do not want to recognize the diversity of opinions occurring nowadays as one. An order exists. It makes up the truth of what there is. But a real variety will be only then rightly one when such a variety has become true.


A preliminary evaluation

In a time like the present one, to which one puts neither on a natural science nor on the language in the society practically a special value, it would not be easy to exist with something own of such goodness. Even mathematics is regarded there by some as something degenerate. That will be so given, since it is supposed to be dead, like the mechanics also. This is such a difficult time, to which we live. In great numbers know-it-alls and busybodies appear on the stages of the societies and carry out their buffoonery in an unfortunately extremely successful way.

Moreover, the young science of computer science can be recognized as a precursor for all kinds of senseless posts and chats on the Internet. It has already served many a person to spread his thoughts about a complete destruction of the world. Something like this can also happen with the use of games glorifying violence in the virtual space.

We experience there a situation to which the logic lies fallow and is used as the prerogative of a few to their advantage. Many dialogues are led there only for the protection of a predominance of some. Thereby neither the argument nor the logic should be dependent on a person, but rather speak for itself.

But we are given that. At such times, it is so difficult to interact as a person who is actually detached from such things with a public that at times recognizes such things or even does them themselves. Often one is already in a defending role because of a right view. How much this affects one. How should one still be able to develop one's own thought or idea if one has to protect and assert oneself so much?



Error of a man

If there can be an order in the world, then it certainly exists for all people in the same way. At least the kinds of a consequence of it will be uniformly and clearly to be determined by us. Otherwise, how will we be able to hear that it is an order?



Holism as a starting point

In a consideration of the good occurring to me, I sometimes assume that everything and nothing are similar to each other and therefore basically such terms have the same weight.

Also for the matter of the spirit of a person I think that. In the whole only one whole exists. All parts of it appear justifiably in such a way as they occur.

This shall be the starting point for a consideration of the things of the cosmos. Thereby, that concept of an equivalence of the given will characterize the things determiningly.



The present as the key to the code

The code which people use for their own things can be broken down and understood only by a proper use of the things of a person. Thereby it should be so that an obvious truth of the present time comes to the application. Tomorrow already it can become a hidden secret thing for lack of a real knowledge of it. Such a thing has corresponded to the natural course of things. The matter of a man will have to be interpreted in relation to his life context.