

Then, when the donkey has recognized the right way, he does what he wants.



Those who looked the other way during calamitous events basically ordered them.



Deal with the rough

The ways of us people are reflected in us. There we will be charged with something which has resulted from the fact that we have gone a way. Something like that will grow and add up, unless we soon detach ourselves from what it was. To do this, we bring things into balance with us and make them firm. Thus they are determined and appear to us in a familiar way. Some emptiness comes over us there. Some of what we have done for it has also freed us from actually superfluous burdens. Their minimum will be found and adjusted in us as soon as our own habitus has stabilized in a good way. With this we like to connect a hope for us.

That's where we go for it. Something we make real. The essence of a person is hidden in this. It should be able to continue in a calm way. For this, one would not need to do anything else than to leave the events and to learn something from its lessons in sincerity. Which exactly these are, nobody can predict for our future. But we can assume that the essence of a person, broadly speaking, will be the same for all people. Once we have left our own good as it is and have gone an unabridged way, then everything that made a human being will come out of itself in us.

There has existed something of it, which is of a trivial kind. Everything additional to it must have been something special. Nobody has needed that from another for himself that he communicates it to him what has constituted his special nature. It cannot help anybody that he learns something like that from somebody else. The question, what makes the special in a life, one would not need to ask at all. Everyone has something like that for himself in a sufficient measure. One has already found enough of it at his own life.




Something that didn't suit me didn't help me either. There I did not like it for me. Why also I should not apply it, what I have already known from me? - It should be true that I know it well, what I have needed for me. After all, I have felt that about myself before. For the most part, it has done me good to know myself so well.

Something, on the other hand, which one has not been able to feel in oneself, has not yet led to any clarity with us, because it has shaped itself in an uncertain way. That's when we discarded it.



One objective

Mathias Schneider wants to be a positive example of a person with an existence worth living. That is why he has made something of his things. He didn't care about any of it, which was good. He has also left other people theirs. What has come about through him should satisfy his principles. There he has concerned himself in the least with a higher being to which he works. He could not answer the question whether this higher being embodied a genius. However, he behaves towards it as if it was. With it Mathias Schneider has already determined his orientation for life. It was convenient for him to exert no other influence on other people than that one which he has given to his fellow men by his own example.

He has said nothing to it, because one would not have to speak of it. An example, as it existed by itself, exists well also without words. With it it is guaranteed that also those parts of his being count to it, which existed without a communication with his environment. There he can be active, at the same time he can be silent. All this has been so good for him. Consequently, it should also be good.

He would like to convey his view of the whole to you. Alone only with excerpts of it little can be done. So he has given himself a framework for what he wants to do and can do.  



Ain Soph

In independence of strength and form, the beautiful exists in a wholesome way. The fact that it has fulfilled no other task than to be beautiful should be task enough for us. What has made life worth living has quite rightly received a high significance for it.




Everything dances on my command! - That's how people think they have their store under control. There they exercise a power over who is what. However, this should not be granted to any human being that he has a power over his fellow men. There we let go of him of necessity as soon as possible.

But the horror continues. The ones cause one by discussing. The others simply ignore the person, if he resisted their influence. I, for my part, have been able to observe it like this.

However, whoever got involved with the people's posturing soon moved into their realms and therefore became entangled with them. There they again took advantage of it. They have given each other with pleasure reciprocally right, in order to do themselves important. In this way, they secured themselves and were soon able to play their game even harder.

Those who have fallen into the clutches of other people are thereupon given all shame by them. Some are given a special name or epithet. This is supposed to be funny. However, thereby one is made bondage. One let it do with itself.



A path of its own

Every person is looking for a suitable path. The best goal is useless if it remains unattained. That's why I think my idea is right, which is that I look for a feasible task for me, without losing myself in trifles or even bogging down my forces.

Then I can tackle what I expected of myself. I look at my surroundings and slowly withdraw from the many arbitrarinesses in the world. There I hardly need to know all of what others have spoken of so often. They can tell me how great it has been, if that is important to them. At least then you have communicated with each other once.

While such people have told me about their experiences, I have also made mine. I will know how to apply them at the right time. In the meantime, I have looked at what has happened to me. Such a thing should be according to the given order. Then I find it good as it is. There I could observe many true things. My impression would not be better or worse pronounced than it is the impression of the other people. I also perceive something and think about it in detail.




I, Mathias Schneider have developed my texts myself. For this purpose, I first of all made an inventory of those things given to me by naming them once. After that I wrote down some of them. I have tried to bundle the writings to a single book at times before. A whole sum of the first results of it is now in my text collection 'construction kit' and continues to thrive there. It wants to be looked at and read by you.

Furthermore I have prepared in the last years almost my entire experience of the existence by 'thought protocols' with 'free writing hours'. Such things which are of personal kind and have not affected me alone only myself, however, I have left out. It has gone to me thereby around a processing of my fortune. Basically I advertise my world of thoughts and ideas with these elaborations in own writings.



Shut down everything and arrive

I don't envisage any clear boundaries. Where I need them, I simply set them up for myself. I try to get away from consumption, I want to find my peace. An acceptance of the already given should equip me sufficiently. I take care of that. What I need is present with me. I can recognize it as true, as it has occurred to me.

There would be nothing that I have permanently missed. Every day of intoxication has still been like a lost day for me. I renounced the substances and moments that caused such a day for me. I don't care if it was drugs, cigarettes or just records, what I consumed once. It serves no purpose for me. It can lead to an acceleration of my decline, which of course I already consider to have begun.

I look for moments of rest in everyday life, like to rest. Whenever I can afford it, I take breaks for myself and am satisfied with that good which is mine. I also reduce my turnover of those things which have already done me no good.

Something of it has remained with me. Can I handle it? - That's where I'm finally committing to what I have left. It shouldn't be impossible to get along with it. That's when my thought pacified me and I got along.




That approach, chosen by me, leads me on my way over a balance to an own behavior. Such a behavior is controlled by me. To be able to perform this well, I have enriched my things with thoughts. For this purpose I have developed my own ideas.

That's how it came about that I also found an approach to my powers. Such elementary things I practice meticulously. For this purpose I imagine it at any location of my body, on which my focus is able to sit, that it contracts. This has brought together my physical characteristics also in mental respect. Those thereby originated concatenations of my limbs have come up by themselves with me. There everything has belonged together and has also fitted together.

Now in order to be able to cause this mentally caused 'implosion', it requires an equal treatment of all local and temporal circumstances. Such my body shows completely rightly. What phenomena have occurred with me, I have always attributed to the own behavior of me. Then I have been able to feel something of it and have also made it true that it belongs to me.



An inner illustration

In spite of all human quality I operate here on the Internet the game with the 'machine'. I let things develop there and these occur afterwards for a certain duration. Thus they can also have an effect.

The fact that I alone can only guess who or what is cavorting here on my pages should be understood correctly by you. Besides the actual readership, I also thought of those bots, which are supposed to be virtual machines. Such scour the net and search for certain content. Depending on how humans have equipped the bots, they collect the respective data and evaluate what they have found. There, the human being with his virtual appearance becomes the feed for such units.

The army of virtual machines is large. Its readiness for action will be very high, its access speed as well. There these 'soldiers' record all relevant material and are not aware of any actually human morals. The attitude of such a machine will be the consistent processing of the code.

We humans also have a code. As individualists we have our own, as citizens of a state its laws and as members of communities their sets of rules. We observe the things connected with it and thus gain something for us. The rank of a man and his status correlate with it, which market value his behavior has momentarily with his fellow men. There he can accordingly, as he is just positioned, exert influence on the events and use his actual power position for the further shaping of the given.

Such facts condition the existence and the way of a man and presuppose a compliance with the code by him. Deficits are hardly tolerated there. Such deficiencies are quickly noticed.



Allow an insight

In the many years of my writing activity I have tried to acquire a basic understanding of the German language by writing my own texts. For this purpose I have created such writings, which also really suited me. But only then, when I looked at them again, the circle of my thoughts and ideas finally closed with me. This happened in 2004. Since then my life situation has changed to a large extent and something good has gradually come true for me. Nowadays, much of what I have formulated has already come to pass.



The activity of a scribe

Schneider's task as a linguistic designer is still to use the tools he has at his disposal and to work out something useful with them. Many a piece of writing has sprung from his pen in this way. Many times he has continued to work on it and has added something that has fitted well to it. He has complied with many of the requirements of his existence. He considers an inner order of man as given and regards it as an analogy to reality. It can be set up and reproduced linguistically. There it shall be true that he holds on to the possibility for the completion of his writings. He wants to be fair to the logos of his inner vision thereby.

For this purpose, he collected his thoughts and ideas and depicted them linguistically with the means currently available to him. Thereby he has written down mainly such things which have been perceived and thought through by him in the everyday life. In this way he has already produced a lot of material, which he could then elaborate further. Thereby he has found his lessons. Other things than those, which are relevant for him, he has mostly left out with work, because they did not concern him or did not affect his thing. After all, he wants his own efforts to bear fruit one day. He would like to make that come true.

Meanwhile, he writes down his texts as he has perceived the experiences belonging to it. His writings are to be understood once as a documentation of it, which already constituted his life. He has therefore created his literature with preference in a way that suited him, so that it can be read and understood well. The work appears on the network Internet and some of it also as a book. Schneider has worked out all of it 'live', that is, while it has already been found online by someone.

He still continues to work on it. That is why he has called the individual elements of it wikis. The presence of the things here should lead with you to an accustoming to what he has already done so far. However, everything that you can find here was not so easy to accomplish before. What you can find here, he first had to grasp, to create and to clean up. The tapping of the linguistic form for it has basically already taken place. Now he must sift the existing mostly alone only and confirm, how it has been.

Will the work be enough for a reading of it, as it has appeared here? - Let's just have a look at the requirements of what has conditioned such a work creation. It is about the art work of Schneider and its background. He wants to address his cause with these writings. For this purpose he has to form something which is gladly listened to or looked at by an audience. With some attention to detail he has done his work on this and so hopes to achieve something that he has needed. In the process, over time, something good has emerged that he has needed. His collection of writings should correspond to his approach, which he has set up before for himself. In this way, many circles are closed for him. This is something that will be necessary to get the whole thing here on its feet.

How does he proceed from there? - The author Schneider relies on the interaction of his texts, images and music. The things would also like to be perceived together by the viewer or to be connected with each other. He wants the works to be perceived and understood in a simple way, as he has provided them ([also] for you). Basically he would like to achieve it that these can speak for themselves.



The 'construction kit

Mathias Schneider's 'construction kit' consists of several, semi-independent wikis. These form some clusters of his own text collections, with which he has systematically tried to prepare the things of his existence. In doing so, he has clothed them in a language that suits him.

A whole system of his own wikis appears in his card index. It has thus become for him primarily a place for preserving his own thoughts and ideas. Schneider used to go to the card index whenever the time came for him to do some language design and to go into seclusion with himself.

He would like to find something to read here in the long run, which he has already considered with himself. This should give him the space he needs for his cause and an opportunity to reflect on his own life with its sunny and dark sides. He has been lucky with that many a time.


One approach

A minimum is supposed to be like a closed border. There we have enclosed the nothingness at the fading of the given and heard so many potentials of us. Therefore we exist, because there is us. The momentary happening conditions the order given to the man. From it he has recognized that he is existent. Everything good and everything bad has thus occurred rightly. Let us not demonize it at all what we have experienced. It should be everything what is given to us.

Starting from this thought we look for a substance of the mental with us. However, we can find it alone only if we have already fulfilled the condition for it sufficiently that it can appear. There we go into ourselves and are with us. It is to appear everything given at the same time on the spot and to be nevertheless still in a change. That which has already occurred will be as true as it has occurred. With that we have acknowledged it.

Meanwhile, we have considered one thing. Everything occurs for a simple reason and therefore appears in a clear way. Meanwhile the cosmos has to emanate again as a whole with every further moment that has passed. There everything pulsates faithfully to its form what has already established itself. We perceive such a state as a constancy of the given and have left everything as it has been.

No miracle it should be there for us that we have heard only the nature of the things. She is what is.



Learning a lesson from your own

I have probably not succeeded in being of sufficient service to each and every one of the readership with my things. I have striven to accomplish this, but have failed again and again with it. That happened in such a way, because it would be basically not at all possible to be fair to everyone with a personal preparation of own things.

How does it help me further that I have recognized this? - Well, now I can announce it to you in the further sequence of the text that I am that which has done perhaps something wrong or has erred. However, I have also recognized that others have already been satisfied with something like it came out of my pen. I certainly would not be wrong or wrong with everything all the time. It should lend itself well to a reading, what I have created there. That is my goal. But some things simply work better than this. I would like to correct the whole of it therefore sufficiently well.

Some people take it a bit easy when dealing with their works. They often fail to recognize the value of an effort. Then I can't win any more stitches with them. I have remained a consistently endeavored person. Those actually with a person existing goods are to be recognized according to their real level, as it is given at present, and to say something about it.

I would like to attach the one or other correctly chosen evaluation to the already existing material here bit by bit. I will do this in such a way, so that the substance of these things will also be to be shown and made clear to an outsider.

Shouldn't what we say be used for something good? - I ask myself such a question while I sit and read my writings. I think about it in depth. This is what I like to do. It is to bring me forward on my way. In doing so, I want to be honest and sincere, as well as deal with myself in the same way while looking at what is given here. I would like to find out it, how the present state of my things is, in order to be able to continue my task purposefully.

Such knowledge of one's own I need to determine my next few steps in carrying out my work in a favorable way. It is necessary to initiate once the right thing. The feeling of me would like to be marked meanwhile by an honest meaningfulness of the actions.



A progress

The improvements to the body of this and also other wikis by me are merely to update them so that they remain usable for me. I read them for devotion, so that I can find again that contemplative state acquired in my cloister. Oh, I have sought refuge in it at times in my life because it does me so much good. At some difficult times in my life it has been so necessary to reach it.

Life would certainly not be easier to live in the future than it is today. This can be rightly assumed, I think. I think such personal notes as I have given herewith are necessary for ringing in my peace. However, it is still unclear to me what sensations they have released in other people. There the writing here should be at least an example for it, how I prepare my things.

It counts for something to me that I know how to hold my own here. It's about me not being too offensive with what I share with them. I keep my peace with it, because I like to determine my own interests in a moderate way. Besides, I have that claim to own that I would like to convey my world of thoughts and ideas plausibly to you.

So I have found to one lesson after the other while my things have been looked at by me. I will be fair to my being thereby if I represent something of it. With own formulations I have done that. I perform everything as well as I can do it just now.



A Punch and Judy show against reason

My method for the presentation of the things, which are contained in my card index box, I compare gladly with the activity of a showman. With the help of a Punch and Judy show with puppets, as they may have been available to him, he wants to make himself understood to the people.

Such a phase of playing with hand puppets has already taken place with me at earlier times of my life. As a child I owned a Punch and Judy show. Until exactly my 13th birthday I liked to give smaller performances.

If at times there was also a longing in me to do something like that again, I have now changed my mind about it. In the meantime, I consider this phase to be over. My good memories of it should not be denied to me, however.

However, writing texts in the Internet forum seems to me as if there is still a residue of this thing in me.



Your own world of thoughts and ideas

Again and again I have tried it with the creation of my texts to take up that thought actually existing with me in situ and that idea connected with it with own words and to bring to file. So I address my world of thoughts and ideas with the texts from me. The purpose of it should be that of a mediation of the given to me. I will gladly prepare for you what I have thought about and already understood. But I would not like to have excluded thereby also that moment of the consideration of my work.

The contemplation has a high meaning for me to own. How this state presents itself with me, I would like to document for you with my work. A value of it should be clearly evident for you.

There I have described in the meantime not alone only my impression of it, which made something to me, as it just came up with me as an effect. As a rule, I also give you when and where such a thing has appeared with me. The temporal and local determination of its existence is to make further valid conditions of this thing important for me developable. There I go to include such things also in my writings.

The whole work presented here should serve sometime to a data comparison and be able to confirm my approach. So I would like to have put once all that stuff what has already been said or written about me in relation to my real experience.

I have also prepared my oeuvre for this purpose. That has been a considerable effort of mine, what I have done with it. For this I needed many years of training in the creation of language to come so far that I could finally say something about it. My knowledge of the German language was not sufficient for such a thing before.

I believe that in the past many a misleading word about my person was spoken with vehemence and also written down. That shook me then completely rightly, what I heard in my environment about me. To free oneself from a false influence sometimes costs a person great strength, because it has bound his fortune so strongly.

I consider it necessary to stand up against something wrong. The fact that such things are imposed on people nowadays in everyday life by their fellow human beings as if they were trivialities, I have regarded as a negligence of the society in which I reside.

A natural state of the given should be preserved by us for life. In one's own existence it is necessary to find the position appropriate to one's nature. Nothing else than this was in my mind when I thought about my own and expressed my actual thoughts and ideas in words.



To the own work show

What would be found here on the Internet in content or design by my own hand, shall be part of my attempt to appear before men - as well as before God and his servants - with an own work, to come forward and to pass.

Please forgive me such gibberish, which may seem a bit esoteric to you. It belongs to my nature to express myself like this. Also everything else which you can find in my 'construction kit' belongs with certainty to me. This is supposed to be so, because it is me who has written down those things given here. The words have been carefully chosen by me during its creation. I wish to be able to stand with it before an audience like that of the Internet. The provision of my elaborations shall cause a mediation of those contents which have arisen with me in the everyday life. I give them back.

If you would like to read also in my other writings, then you do this please with consideration. It would not be alone only right that these have not yet been examined by the outside people. One has given me so far also alone only very rarely a feedback to it.

I write down the things here in a way, which I have leaned on a language design, as I do it. At home I sit for it at my work table and do meanwhile this and that besides. But how should one be able to ensure in such a way that everything what has managed to come into being in such a way will also carry a special value in itself?

My work is to be described with it briefly and succinctly. With 'free writing hours' I have carried out 'thought protocols', from which the whole has resulted what has originated with me at writings. Their meaning comes clearly before my eyes, if I have read once for a whole time at them. What they should mean for a readership, however, I still have not been sure.



One client

For Schneider, the client for his art would be the person to whom he has just worked in his thoughts. He sometimes imagines such a person. He tries to address them while writing the writings and painting the pictures. In the process he has received some feedback from himself. It has been good for his cause that he can clearly imagine the possible reaction of his fellow men as a dialogue. Thanks to an inner stirring, he also sees an inner picture of what this has done to him.

A person should be continuously active and constant in his things. He works towards his true Lord with his work. He does this in depth. He accomplishes something good with it.

Meanwhile Mathias Schneider has left open that circle of persons which he has taken into account in his work creation and has always also varied. The fact that he has worked alone to only one gentleman is to be true. With many people he stands thereby in interaction and makes so that true what has been accessible to him in the everyday life events.

Meanwhile, he looks at it to see whether these interactions have also led to fruitful results. They are to be the condition for the fact that he uses the procedure. Sometimes he has been able to enrich a void in himself in this way, and he has had interpersonal experiences in the process. They represent something that has embodied a real added value for him.

Since the author has practiced talking with other people about the things of a human existence, he continues such a dialogue in his reflections as well and is able to consider himself well in that way.  



About the meaning of the wiki 'Alchemy

My artistic work already brings a preoccupation with the concept of an alchemy by itself, because I create my works on blank, white paper. There I have first captured something given to me, because it has been fleeting. That has been possible for me thanks to an acceptance of the given. There I recognized it as an idea, what arose with me. I have always thought about what is lasting in my life. What has arisen there with me at impulses, I have noted down meanwhile conscientiously.

However, I have by no means seen myself as a late journeyman of medieval arts. I do not want to be regarded that way. I would not want to be, if only because I work under completely different conditions than, for example, the alchemists of those bygone eras did.

I have received my own approach to this subject, but I have learned much of it in a state of maturity thanks to my collection of books, as well as at school and in my studies. Some skills, therefore, I have not even needed to develop or realize, but have been able to use them directly, because they were already there and taught me.

The fact that I have nevertheless referred to the concept of an alchemy at work and have somehow nevertheless confessed to it, should be allowed to remind me of a beauty of this conception. I connect a lot of good with it and can derive some from it what will be accessible to me or entered thanks to it.