History of a person


I have found everything I need in myself.



The inkwell

Steady drops of ink fill the sheet with the reflection of your being. There pictures arise and it fills your spirit meanwhile with movements. In the aftermath of it you have experienced still some further impression in addition and have fixed it what it has meant to you.

This is how your work came into being. It will not be an expression of your condition. Rather it results from the quietest of all impulses at the human being. You create yours through your own hope and bring it to way that everything builds on it. There great forces fulfill themselves with you, something infinite results in fractions of seconds and gives you short insights into the eternity.

You would not be able to clarify your condition, however you can keep your work free of it. There you collect yourself and defend yourself against the flood of the stupidity of the world things. What others have done shall not be a standard for you. You have brought yourself in independence to them.



Being a solitaire

Even if I have not always known what my words mean, I know well that everything has a meaning. It should be the same with my words. Some people speak the same language as I do and yet have not understood me. There he doubts me and communicates this to me. What can I do for it? - It has been his mind and not mine that has blocked there.

At times I feel misunderstood by people and yet I continue to believe in them. I have not found a solution to everything. However, partial solutions have hardly helped. So what should I do other than to fix what is mine? - First of all, you have to know what it is about before you can participate in such a thing.

I know that well. However, individuals have stood there in my presence, unconcerned, and watched me. What went through their minds, I could not find out. They did not let me know. So they isolated me. As a result, I soon experienced an unpleasant condition and felt abandoned among such people. That is what remained with me. Who is surprised that I went into myself and dealt with the other spheres of existence?


Everything is built on the trivial

Long ways can be walked and yet they would not be better than the short ones. Everything about it has remained the same. There our calves would like to appear tight, basically they have been merely overacidified. There we have imagined many things on it and nevertheless had nothing of it.

Infinitely great is the suffering of man in this existence and therefore he looks for a redemption. All people have their own life and nevertheless its value has not been distinguishable. One can burden oneself with many things and so burden his spirit with thoughts, but these will be only trifles, what one can move by it. It remains as it is.

There we do well that we have recognized something fundamental. We put everything special on the line and resign ourselves in existence to the fact that it will be lost. We have something of that. What comes to us from it should be of a simple nature. This is how we attain the knowledge of the trivial. It represents a basis for us. With its help, we release the blockades in us. All of a sudden we don't want to realize anything exuberant anymore. It also ends the plagues, which came from the actually impossible expectation from us, which made us equal to everything miserable before. We draw our own courage and throw away the drudgery from us. The facts of the matter are very interesting. Such an 'emptiness' can have a liberating effect.

Of course, one has not become free through this. No. We have all remained what we have always been. There we would like to enjoy civilizational achievements and nevertheless remain what we have already been before. A culture of alienation from itself will per se not be an actual cultural achievement.

There we recognize by tolerance everything that has been different from us. There we leave it as it appears to us and go directly to the acceptance of the given. This world is good. Its essence should also be benign. There we have affirmed it for the first time and have had no difficult experiences with it.



What I write about

I know a few people well. With these I discuss the essence of things. Afterwards some of it seems to be important to me. There I have all reason to own to fix it in writing. What has been worked out in the conversation, I thus prepare. Thus the basis of my work developed.

In addition, I also have access to such thoughts and ideas as they have resulted from the quiet moments of my existence. With these I proceed similarly. I also give something of it in my work show. My file box is filled with such goods as they are mine. It would be a pity to keep everything for myself.


Complete isolation

Some events of my life have strongly overshadowed my existence. This has especially been the case when I have forbidden myself to express myself about these realities to my fellow human beings.

I did not know how to protect myself and yet the memory worked on me. I didn't make any of this known for years and therefore got more and more into a situation that burdened me considerably. It has not been easy to endure something like that.

On my life's journey, I have entered places and left places. People have come into my life and disappeared from my life. In many places I have been of no value. People have felt no appreciation. I have known little to do with them.



On the dialectics of a dispute

Few points of contention arise in existence between people, and yet these have sometimes been enough to turn the circumstances of a life upside down. This is what has happened to me. The result of this has been horror.

One says this, whereupon the other says that. Both meant well. But two people also have two positions. Two positions result in two attitudes. Such attitudes lead to everything else and bring some things with them. There we are sometimes charged and have something in mind.

It is very important for every person to be understood. Everything that has not been understood is a burden for him. There he is occupied of it and believes it perhaps even sometime that he is wrong. As a result, he rejects his good. There it is lost to him. A person without something good would not be bearable. There the people put each other worse.

I didn't want anything like that, so I did everything I could not to make anyone worse off. But people did not stop making themselves important to me. At some point I no longer felt like dealing with them. Thereupon I withdrew and pupated. I searched for the truth of my existence and found only emptiness. Thereupon I have accepted such a one.


A conscious decision

I am not a god! - But what I have understood by the concept of a deity has been nothing what has stood for itself and has been alone. There the dear God has company. He did not dispose of the order of the world, but his existence should be the cause of it, what makes it. There he has never disguised it.

His creation is closed in itself. His emanation occurs, but it will be without arbitrariness. He acts by corresponding himself. From this everything emerges.

We humans can also correspond. In order to do so, we freely acknowledge how this existence and our life are within the world. This is how it should exist.

Linguistically we deal with it, how we can express it, what is to be fixed from it. On the basis of an insight, which has become aware during some introspection, I recognize the attributes of my being and put myself into the right relation to it.

I am unfree, conditional and empty. I take care to be compatible for my fellow men. Whoever has to do with me should be able to feel that.

No compromise do I make. I do not merge my own good with the good of another. Everyone should have something for himself. One may insist on it, I have found and therefore I act accordingly. Consequently, I have found the truth of my existence and I know how to say confidently what I have already announced before. I am a human being! - Thus it has endured.




A law which can be changed has not been one. The accessory of the modern civilizations of this mankind has been only a ballast. The fact that there are laws and these are applied does not justify their occurrence at all. They are rather a hindrance than a promotion. They have not made an order possible at all.



Believe in yourself

The soul of a thing corresponds to its inner life, which is to be a compound of its own detached from everything else.

Democracy, as the epitome of a state order, also has an inner life comparable to this. Anyone who weakens it corrupts it. He acts shamefully. That is supposed to be so true because of all things it has provided him with the position he actually holds and needs.

We would not know the essence of the soul. No one can. What we can do, however, would be the recognition of the fundamental, a recognition of its occurrence. There man casts a shadow and experiences the light at the same time. All our ways have been incomplete, meanwhile the idea persists that they will remain so.

People still need certainty tomorrow. It will be necessary not to determine everything today that will have an effect in the future. What we did not know today, we can hardly judge now.

The value of man is reduced when he has things wrong. If, however, he keeps up the wrong, the bad in it increases again. We have seen that. Then we let go of all that and recognize it, what has been good by itself. Something will be enough in such a way.




'You shouldn't judge me!' - With this thought, I go straight at my counterpart in many an argument.



The own impulse

Also a 'no' can be right once. We have not chosen the given for us, because we have accepted it as it is. There it did not please us. What therefore has occurred should also be true. Only the freedom of choice of a man has given him an error. There he looks for a long time for the regularity of his doing. Such one will be ambiguous. However, as long as there are case distinctions for what it constitutes, a logic will last. In these cases we may have done justice to it, but certainly not to us. But then we have known nothing and understood nothing.

So it should be given that one may express his 'no' whenever the way has remained unclear. There we have a way to go. Whenever the corresponding things are to be determined, we check them for their existence. Thus we have recognized the impossible soon and take the opportunity to reject it and to reject it from us.

We humans have been stupid to some extent at all times. That's how we imagine it. But we would not need to exaggerate it with it. However, who has exposed himself to the uncertainty, he only increases his fears by it. He could hardly have found a better way this way.



Assign yourself a property

A man would not be recognizable as a being without his features. Who has not appeared, he will therefore be invisible for other people. There he is perceived by all who have seen him nevertheless. He gives them a riddle by his behavior. There they inspect him all the more.

In order to free ourselves from the burden of excessive sympathy for the inanities of our being, we assign ourselves qualities. We laugh and dance, sometimes we even shine with joy. There we perceive a shadow, but also the light with us. Our image of reality should be complete. This is how it is given.

In truth, you cannot hide any characteristic of yourself. We purify ourselves by appearing as we are.