The simple man


A turn to the spiritual presupposes a certain need of understanding for the spiritual of a human being. There man has a need to own and tries to satisfy it. In the background of his actions his destiny has an effect. The question, whether such a purpose will be given, has become superfluous as soon as it is granted to him. Then it proves itself of its own accord what has occurred with him.



Three souls and one spirit

If one understands the inner entities at the human being as a whole standing in each case for itself, then there are three at the number which can emanate there. However, one could not only enumerate and name them, one will also be able to feel and hear them.

If one understands the unity of the human being as such a whole, then it will also be able to result in such a way. There man strives for a completeness of who he is. However, what has made him, should be to be integrated in it. There it is his mental parts which have conditioned him before everything else.

There we bring together the found terms once. For this we assume the given in its unity as existing and give it the designation 'spirit'. We now also take care of its integral components. They shall be the components of the organism which are able to regulate it.

That is why we recognize the true meaning of man in his system of order. We also name him accordingly. We call the three opportunities of a person to heal his health the essential conditions and thus his three spiritual parts.

We would now like to mention them with a short list.

The heart-lung system, as the clock of the one whole, forms the origin and end of what constitutes us. (Water)

The lymphatic system with its procreative power and supply capacity ensures our preservation. (Earth)

The nervous system with its localities, which is capable of short-term reaction, likes our passivity. (air)


The natural good of a human being

All people are actual illusionists. Only as such they would be to be understood correctly. There we form our words and say something with their help. With certainty nobody can say that he is right, if it was not conceded to him. There man needs some words to unfold his actual cosmos. Some world view is to him. He has started from it when he has spoken something. There he stretches his nets and hopes it to cause thereby something good. Some fish he would like to catch in such a way.

But sometimes the fish tear his nets and escape. Then he has to reel them in and repair them. To do this, he goes to his workshop. There he has the material he needs for this at his disposal. In this time he could catch no fish with the nets, but he has nevertheless some hope to own that in such a way his yield will increase again. So he puts his things in order.



On the cosmology of a man

Starting from the phenomenal reality of this existence as it is experienced by us humans, nature causes an abundance of impressions on us.

It should be the true events, which we could not disregard, if we want to understand a person correctly. So it should be right that we attach the given, as it is known to us, to what has occurred there. In this way we can get a picture of it that applies to the situation it constitutes. This provides us with some approach to participate in what is happening.

There we sometimes go to the description of the events of our smaller cosmos the language formation in a simple way. In such an environment we occur, there we will also be conditioned by the fact that we have recognized it. In the meantime, we recognize ourselves as a subject, which should be endowed with a perception and some power of action. We take care of that. At the same time, man is in the world and perceives it. There he imagines something of it as it is. There man will be aware of something of it.

The fact that an existence as a human being can be led in a simple way is to reveal to us the utility value of the trivial. Such a one persists. That's why man, with the time, breaks down what he has experienced to such a share, because it has been reliable. Thus he perfects his comprehension by the simple conception of the given. It lets him mature, thereby he finds his way. Many a thought is formed with him.

There he finds what he has achieved to be good. On the basis of a perception of the simple events of his existence he comes to some insight of value. There he also exists accordingly in everyday life. Thus he comes into a condition, with the help of which he can soon overlook the situationally appearing good in himself. There the spirit of man clears up. That happens completely rightly so with him.

Some wrongly formed idea to his existence he can reject in such a way. It is for sure that not everything of us will be usable. We better not get carried away. Restricting our goods helps us to have more time for our own and also to focus better on the good of us.



Keep a rule

Everything is already there. You only need to find it alone in order to attain it. It should be so especially on the mental level. Make yourself ready for it at last.

To be able to see it, what constitutes such a thing, let go of your eyes. Choose a well-suited focus and leave all strained action. It should be only about the skill of looking at something. Take all your courage and do it in a way that is just given to you. Let go of all exuberant effort. Your eyes will thank you for it. Also let go of the attempt to recognize everything immediately. Your spirit will thank you for it.

Behold the thing which you have set your eyes on, abruptly. Choose such an object for yourself, which is in front of you. Then take it from time to time also in the hand, so that it can be integrated into your imagination world.

Your eyes are tired when they don't want to look at anything anymore. Therefore, close them from time to time and give them some rest.



From the least good

In life, we humans search for the truth, which is given to us, and therefore question the world with its appearance. There we hear from many people what they need for themselves and understand it also that this will be true. However, what has not always been clear to us is to ask how this goes together.

If you look at other people's approaches to their lives, you can often see that freedom is very important to them nowadays. By this they mean a general and universal freedom, but above all their own. But what does that mean?


A driven and its resolution

In life, a person always has to deal with everything that has appeared on the scene. He has to deal with that. He should and would like to keep his place in the world. Therefore he asserts on the one hand his position, on the other hand he tries from it to be fair to his needs and to perform the necessary for it, in order to be able to fulfill them. Let's just assume that the existing position of us will also be a favorable one. There the life as a human being can run in a happy way.



A reset

Then, when everything has become good with us, we humans apparently do not need a continuation of the given any more. Such, however, also continues to take place and so everything will be different soon. We understand that by now. So we finally sit down and consolidate the given. This is to preserve our happiness in life. In doing so, we have come to rest. That moment of resting continuously provides for improvements in us, because the human organism is just like that.

Once we stop our incessant activities, the 'machine' finally gets going. In the process, we also stabilize ourselves mentally. Such a setting of us we carry out frankly. For this purpose, we go through the current events in our thoughts and fix what conditions us, so that it can soon be released from us.



An inner glow

A person's faith comes from the certainty of his hope. He relies on what he has and loves. His life is about a fulfillment of the moment with the good of it. That is why he has gladly prepared himself again and again for life with its tasks.



A few words about stability

The stable at the human being is caused by him whenever he has recognized and preserved the given. Thereby with the time a conception of it forms with us what has occurred there. If the human being first sets the events of his existence as equivalent to each other, then some things will be favored by it. Then it can find itself also in such a way with us, as it is given.


From other people's own point of view

Throughout his life, the author Schneider has tried again and again to better understand his fellow human beings. He succeeded well thanks to the help of his own imagination of the view of these people. He imagined what image of the given would be true for them. He soon realized that his imaginations are real approximations to the given. So he has carried out them, so he has rejected them also temporarily again.

Since Schneider tries to realize a holistic way of looking at the given, he has not been able to avoid giving up some of what was important to him before. He weights the incidents of his life accordingly. There he sees the people almost always as biased. He completely rightly inscribes himself a subject who is able to react to such a situation as it has just arisen with him. The circumstances under which a person has to cope at the moment have certainly also conditioned him. Schneider confidently acknowledged this and left it as it appeared to him.



Making the machine runnable

I sometimes look at past times of my life when I have succeeded in remembering them. There I have assigned the experiences again and have been able to clarify something of it. My ability to remember is good, my reactions have often been appropriate. From my point of view I look at it, why I expressed it once in such a way. It should be the only view to which I am entitled.

Sometimes I formulate my thoughts during such moments. There my own memory reflects something to me in a conscious way, to which I would like to make a statement. I like to do that then, because it makes the given comprehensible to me. Thus I find little by little to own words for the respective facts of this existence. There I have not only experienced a face, I also have a soul to own. It possesses an actual feeling. I possess a state of mind belonging to me on top of it. It has to determine about that what is pleasant and possible for me. There I give it the meaning of a need.

I deal with myself thereby, while I look at that what conditions me so much in the existence. There the consciousness of me neither dominates nor is pushed back at me. So I have been able to see it. It is simply there. That is why it equips me. In the meantime, I still look at my own memories in an unconscious way. They give me a true support.

There, the consciousness is supposed to be nothing more than a mirror of what happens to us in life. Meanwhile, the heart has been to be understood as an entity carrying us through life. With the memories the whole completes itself to a whole. That's when I became a human being, and that's how I perceived it.


About the constitution of a human being

A man can only recognize the given as it is or deceive himself with his opinion about it. Therefore, one will be well advised, if he is told, that he may calmly leave the things as they already are. Thus we come to such moments in existence, which can give us a true insight. To affirm them and to stabilize what is given to us with them should be an opportunity for us to prove to ourselves that we can cope with life.

To that end, I once shared the following words with a good old friend. I do everything I'm supposed to do as well as I can.' These were the words. I wrote them for him on a small piece of paper and gave them to him. That's when my words caused some people to wonder. I believe that this sentence represented a defense against an excessive demand.



Shares of the human being

Starting from a conditioned existence as an appearance of the own way of life, I recognize my way of life and realize how confused it is. There everything has its part in it and nothing is already ordered. There it hardly surprises me that my fortune to the life has turned out so small so far. Thereby I know it well that alone only that can happen what is in order. Everything else would not be enough for anybody. So I accept it and so it will also be true.

Now I would be willing to speak of my own situation here. In doing so, I recognize that it is one that has a certain topicality for me right now. It gives me now the sense necessary to do well what I have to say.

Meanwhile, I am marked by an inner structure. Whenever I devote myself to this thing of mine, I have spoken of a moment of meditative vision. This can be one in which I orient myself inwardly. For this I choose an approach. Such an approach varies with me from time to time.

I collect such approaches and carry them out over long periods of a few days. Thereby I become aware of many things which are related to me. I would not need to free myself from it, because I can accept it, what is given to me. So I shape everything of my own according to how I am. Sometimes this reminded me of some characteristics of mine, which I still know from the earlier days of my life. The inner structure of a human being is simply manifold and yet clear. The inner ways should also be some. There the human being finally shows a progress in what constitutes and conditions him.

That's when I moved on to dealing with the thing that matters to me. What I have not yet learned, I teach myself. To this end, I am learning it. With the time something will be true for me by it. Thus the things come into existence with me and can exist well before my eyes. From then on, I would no longer need to omit and reject them.

What approaches would I like to present to them? - Now I have prepared a whole list to make it clear what kind of wind blows around me in everyday life.

The consciousness of man is like his perception of the yellow color and equivalent to it. (Subjective sensation and indication)

All colorings result from everything (red - energy in harmony), nothing (blue - energy in higher form) and its interconnectedness with the yellow color (energy of reflection in the spiritual field of man). (Trinity and unity)

Man has internalized his linguisticity as a consistent and stringent principle. By it he can grow, by it he can mature. (anandamayakosh - The Body of Bliss - The Inner Principle)

The supply of the human being results from his gift for participation. It is emanated by his voice. (Making the affirmation valid as the principle of the formation and imprinting of happiness in life).

The result of the appearance of the man is thrown back on him by his work. Who wants to form, he also needs a lever for it. (Nature principle of the formation - actio equals reactio).

The spirit of man results in a power which emanates from the inner order of man in an intrinsic way. (Connection of the elemental to the cosmic principle of unity).

What is all right, persists. (Belief not to be inverted)

The protection of man is necessary when there is danger. If it is omitted to protect him, nothing has sufficed to keep the peace. (The principle of action of consequence)

Language is formed by ideas. What we can grasp, we also set free. There the word appears as composition of some syllable. The number of such syllables is countable. They are also distinguishable. There are them besides in many variants. (starting point)

The syllable has not remained alone in itself. There is a lot of the same and distinguishable. But one thing is to be conceded to all these emanations. The inner image is a reflection of reality. (Occurrence and preservation)

The idea of the sound results from its perception and a memory appearing in the aftermath of it. From it one recognizes what it makes that one has been involved in it. It can be assumed that it will be truly of benign nature. It makes a person. (The power of the memory as access to the essence of a person).

Red threads or cords correspond to the syllables of the language. These can be found on us. Their unity is a plural as well as a variety. (Equivalence and overcoming of the arbitrary).

The matrix consists of finite parts of the same and their multiplication with the variety, which was also of finite nature. There the syllables become manageable, because this gives a plastic idea of them. (20 units x 50 variants form the nucleus of the language in the Indian culture area and are recognized as syllable. Their embodiment is imagined as a red thread, which likewise makes a calculation possible after the scheme 20 x 50).

The number 1,000 represents the integration of the whole. (vertex of the human being)

Integration as a technique in mathematics is like painting with brush and color. (Second starting point)

The material-bound part of the human being surrenders to an inner flow in warmth and becomes softer. There the human being can give a good boost to his compatibility by harmonizing himself in the union with the environment accessible to him and by finding a contribution which he is able to make. (Recognize the situation.)

The gestures of man are a result of his existence. (Design as an approach to finding a happiness in life).

The forms of a human being are material-structural parts of his working. He can and should deal with the nature of his forces. Order creates calmness. Rest promotes the good. (A painterly handling of the works may be preferred. Flowing boundaries are sometimes closer to the truth than the hard edges of a contour).

The fullness results from the space available for them, their acceptance and affirmation. (Results can hardly be avoided. Much must be accepted. Recognition is necessary and provides us with a certain independence from what has to be shaped).