
Speech design

Brothers of the winds

Starting from here, I looked for a beginning for my story today and found nothing except that usual beginning with a description of the mountains. I discarded something like that without further ado. It has been too selective, too specific and also too concrete. This is how it appeared to me.

Then a breath of wind touched my right foot and I felt myself. There I thought of the great spirit, but also perceived that it will be contained in the wind. My thought impulse was of a simple nature. There I have heard it that the brother wind has asked me for help. Now I am looking for an opportunity to assist him.

I can make the words as a speech creation, but I wondered there if it will be enough to do something like that. Is my brother already helped by this?

That's when I started thinking. Meanwhile, my cigarette was burning, its smoke resulting from a combustion of tobacco. It is wrapped in a paper. Without the wind, no fire will burn. It is the air that fed the fire. Without it, it is suffocated. The basis of this combustion is the mixture of tobacco and paper, but it is only in union with the wind that such a fire burns.

There we have all been brothers of the winds. Our life light, just like the fire of a cigarette, is something that has a base and seeks to unite with the wind. This is the impetus of all things. It makes up what will come to us in life.

No matter what I have eaten, my body digests the food and, by means of it, expands a base for me to carry a fire on me. My life light is the same as any other. It is a universal thought that we human beings all have the same light carried on us. This thought did not contradict to be extended. Also the animals and plants of a flora and fauna have participated in this wind. They themselves are the carriers of a light equivalent to it. Their spark would not be different than ours is. In my imagination world this has been true. 

Have I already reached the end of this short narrative? Have I already said what I actually want to share?

I am looking for a way to gather myself. I went into myself and imagined it, what this short description meant. Is it already complete or have I expanded it? Is there anything missing here or has it already been enough of words?

There I have pronounced the true. The circumstance that my thought protocol has been of a simple kind has not disturbed me. Something true may be understandable with pleasure. I have thought it that one can understand this text so far well.

'Brothers of the winds' - that is its title, and I have given it this heading not without reason. I have just heard that breath of wind and felt it that I am asked by it for a help. Then I thought it to myself that this will also be my soul breath. Yes, it has been also my wind which has addressed me. The spark of life makes itself felt. What he has communicated to me has fitted well to the present situation.

That has been a sense. It told me something. Then I heard my thoughts when I heard the moving air at the foot of my right leg.



Meaningful action

As a worker, I do not have much to think about. It was enough that I fulfilled my tasks. The thinking of a working person has been perceived by me as reduced. One is focused on the essential. One would not be able to accomplish one's own thing otherwise.

The thinking and the doing are in conflict with each other for a predominance over the spirit of man. The occurrence of both parts of our spectrum is justified, however, one has temporarily displaced and cancelled out the other. I have observed this in myself.

Over the years, I have learned more and more how to be fair to the tasks set before me. I commit myself to my cause. I accept those resources that are available for this purpose and carry out something with them that has served the fulfillment of my task.

There I have a focus to own. It is my focal point what has unlocked the given for me. In the light of my eyes it has been found by me. There it is a part of the world, as it has occurred, and lies before me. Thanks to him, I can unite my perception and the essence of the world and thus unite it lying before me. There it will be the fire what has appeared before me, or also a completely different light which has shone brightly. 

I have not yet heard a perception alone with me. Just as little the world and I have been one with each other. I have preserved myself as occurring in it. Thereby I have experienced all protection which it has given for it.

I have always enjoyed the language. Sometimes it has been good words, what I have heard.

That's when I thought about the word. Over time, I learned to reflect on the words. I have done that extensively. Thus an image space for it has arisen with me. With its help I can hear my own voice without having to move my vocal chords or mouth. There the imagination resounds with me, what made me happy. Empty it has been, a silence has made that.

In the spirit of my thoughts, I find myself. That is why I write these things down. Those media, which are available to me, I would not need for it. I look little into the Glotzophonium and do not listen to radio stations. Instead, I let go of it. A residual memory of what I have already seen and heard of broadcasts is enough for me to have an idea of what the T.V. and the Wave meant to me. It is enough. I would not need to expand the spectrum of these memories. My capacity has been finite. The experiment 'television' has too much weight for me. The information of a radio broadcast is manifold and can confuse me because it distracted me from my own thing. I have turned that off. 

The impressions I experience in everyday life equip me completely. I have not experienced any particular deficits, simply because I do not maintain access to radio and television. As a result, I also abandoned newspapers and magazines. By means of this experiment I have been convinced that it is possible to inform oneself sufficiently about the events also with one's fellow men. I have made the experience that a communication can blossom thereby. The exchange with my fellow men is a direct one, but it has been of a good kind. I have become accustomed to a reduced amount of information, but I have been able to do it well. Something essential has happened to me, because the essential things of my own life have spontaneously taken up more space with me again.

Those sources of my inspiration are then regenerated. The own inspiration is my essential source, if it was about the spontaneous creation of own works. There I would like to have given them now first of all a description of what constitutes this source with me, before I will say something further about it.

Everything I have said so far has been verbal in nature and has appeared that way. That has constituted the man that he can make himself understood with his words. For this he has expressed himself. What he has said has possibly given to think. However, a worker has something else in mind. He would like to fulfill his task sufficiently. There too many thoughts have disturbed sometimes thereby.

A meaningful action often comes about with us without us having consciously made the words for it. We can provide a description of the action. Sometimes, however, we have been satisfied with an execution of it. There no verbal representation of it has taken place with us. Nevertheless we reflected our action and did the same as we are used to do otherwise.

Without including the words in our consideration, our essence has appeared to us, which has not harmed us. Then we have learned how to fulfill our task. We have done nothing else but that which has brought us to where we have come. In this way, we have rejected language, because it has sometimes seemed absurd to us. Often it has distracted us, often it has disturbed us. Repeated activities require an inner silence of the human being. Then they become flesh and blood. Such a thing has not harmed the work result at all.

Fifty-fifty everything is distributed with us. It is worth the same amount. Whether we act with words or without words, both shall have been good. Without experiencing an inner illustration, nobody could perform his things. There we have found to words for it and at the same time for the nonverbal work the lance held. Words were sometimes good for conversation, but they were not needed for work.

That's when I took a closer look at working. This is something I've been getting ready for. Because I had not been a stakeholder for many years of my life, I looked at how I could become one. As the epitome of a worker, I understood such a stakeholder. That's where I thematized him and visually gave myself an idea of what makes him tick. With the help of my own imagination I did that. What was good from these ideas, I took up afterwards and made true for me. In doing so, I have consistently assumed an ideal state of work. Both the workplace and the working environment played a part in this. That's how I found myself.



My impulse

'Maladi, malada, mala hoppsassa'

Something I said in the affirmative. That's when it came to me. That's how it goes in life, something came true. Nothing of it was strange. In particular, an acceptance of what is given to me has made me richer than I was before. I have been careful with myself. I did not ignore my 'no'. However, I have not said no to everything. Nothing accidental has already brought me something good. So I accept this life. For this I have left it as it has been for me. Dreary have been the thoughts of me already sometimes, there I have acknowledged them to do something good to myself once with it. To such a recognition I find now with me from me already. For this I have made them true for me and have thus furnished me something useful for it. My own word I have in mind. With it I have done good to myself. I have left everything. I have not used up my strength in the process. I have made it possible for me with pleasure that I could have collected myself.



An intermediate state

The beginning and the end have an echo. For the beginning it exists in advance, for the end it comes up in the aftermath. Through it the life has received its fates. Birth and death mark its boundary lines, but the procreation comes before, as also the phase of the mourning arose afterwards with us. The birth and a death mark those turns of time which have constituted the life of a man.

There, life has received its continuance. It is experienced as a continuum. Blurred and blurred its moments have appeared at any time. Only the death makes it what we have understood as a hard cut.

That is where life has been experienced by us. We have spent our time in this realm to accept it as it has been for us. In the process, it has found its form. Our things have prospered.

Everything is in change and such a one is biased by the fact that he has always brought again what has already been lost. There we have disregarded him or we have loved him. All the time this existence is like a state which has been in abeyance. Sometimes things have improved for us for unknown reasons, sometimes we have lost them. Everything appeared to us as an intermediate state.

So we have made it true that we have left it to determine everything and thus force something. We would not need to do such a thing. Nothing has become better as a result. We have already experienced that. It has appeared bitter enough to us as it is given.

Thus, it is given to us that we could not change anything about what a world has put us through. We can only do it ourselves a little differently and hope that our example will be accepted by someone.

A yoke life has in store for us.